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Re: Solving nonlinear inequality constraints

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg91243] Re: [mg91209] Solving nonlinear inequality constraints
  • From: "Stuart Nettleton" <Stuart.Nettleton at>
  • Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2008 06:06:28 -0400 (EDT)
  • Organization: University of Technology, Sydney
  • References: <>

I have taken a completely different approach by using active data for  
auto-topology and using NMaximize to solve only for the leaves. This means  
small numbers of periods calculate very quickly. So after setting a 25  
period version running on our university high performance cluster I went  
to sleep at 3am.  Waking up I felt jubilant at the elegance, truth and  
beauty in my new solution.  However, I was dismayed to find the Mathematica
blue  screen of death: "No more memory available. Mathematica kernel has shut  
down. Try quitting other applications and then retry". Of course I was the  
only person on the cluster node and all I had running was Mathematica. I
am not sure of the memory size on our nodes so I will check this. With Red Hat  
linux it should be a Windows problem.

Would somebody be able to help me by having a brief look at this code and  
see if I have made an error somewhere or if the code can be made both  
beautiful and run for up to 60 periods?

Many thanks,

AppendTo[$Echo, "stdout"];
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(* Nordhaus Brief Climate Change Policy Model May 2008 *)
(* Stuart \
Nettleton July 2008 *)
(* ClearSystemCache[] *)

starttime = AbsoluteTime[];
periods = 25 ; (* projection periods *)
maxit = 5000; (* maximum \
iterations *)

(* objective function *)
(* program always minimises, so negative for \
maximisation *)
(* hold function prevents premature evaluation *)
obj \
= Hold[-cumu[periods]];
objvars = Apply[List, Map[Hold, obj]];

(* optimisation variables: topolology leaves *)
(* .. for NMinimize \
provide both upper and lower bounds *)
(* .. for FindMinimum provide \
a single start estimate *)
(* hold function prevents premature \
evaluation *)
(*opt = Hold[{\[Mu][t],0.001,1},{k[t],100,10000}];*)

opt = Hold[{\[Mu][t], 0.001, 1}];
optvars = Apply[List, Map[Hold, opt]];

(* exogenous parameters and variables *)
   pop0 = 6514;
   popg = 0.35;
   popa = 8600;
   dela = 0.001;
   d\[Sigma]1 = 0.003;
   d\[Sigma]2 = 0.000;
   pback = 1.17;
   backrat = 2;
   gback = 0.05;
   \[Rho] = 0.015;
   fex0 = -0.06;
   fex1 = 0.30;
   \[Kappa]1 = 1;
   \[Kappa]2 = 1;
   \[Kappa]21 = 1;
   d\[Kappa] = 0;
   \[Theta] = 2.8;
   sr = 0.22; (* savings ratio *)

   gfacpop[t_] :=
  gfacpop[t] = (Exp[popg*(t - 1)] - 1)/Exp[popg*(t - 1)];
   l[t_] := l[t] = pop0*(1 - gfacpop[t]) + gfacpop[t]*popa;
   ga[t_] := ga[t] = ga[0]*Exp[-dela*10*(t - 1)]; ga[0] = 0.092;
   a[t_] := a[t] = a[t - 1]/(1 - ga[t - 1]); a[1] = a[0] = 0.02722;
   g\[Sigma][t_] :=
  g\[Sigma][t] =
   g\[Sigma][0]*Exp[-d\[Sigma]1*10*(t - 1) - d\[Sigma]2*10*(t - 1)^2];
g\[Sigma][0] = -0.0730;
   t_] := \[Sigma][t] = \[Sigma][t - 1]/(1 - g\[Sigma][t]); \[Sigma][
   1] = \[Sigma][0] = 0.13418;
    t_] := \[CapitalTheta][
     t] = (pback*\[Sigma][t]/\[Theta])*((backrat - 1 +
         Exp[-gback*(t - 1)])/backrat);
   eland[t_] := eland[t] = eland[0]*(1 - 0.1)^(t - 1); eland[0] = 11;
   r[t_] := r[t] = 1/(1 + \[Rho])^(10*(t - 1));
   fex[t_] :=
   fex[t] = fex0 + If[t < 12, 0.1*(fex1 - fex0)*(t - 1), 0.36];
   \[Kappa][t_] := \[Kappa][t] =
   If[t >= 25, \[Kappa]21, \[Kappa]21 + (\[Kappa]2 - \[Kappa]21)*
      Exp[-d\[Kappa]*(t - 2)]]; \[Kappa][1] = \[Kappa][0] = 0.25372;
   \[CapitalPi][t_] := \[CapitalPi][t] = \[Kappa][t]^(1 - \[Theta]);
   s[t_] := s[t] = sr;

(* endogenous parameters and variables *)
   \[Alpha] = 2.0;
   \[Gamma] = 0.30;
   \[Delta] = 0.1;
   \[Eta] = 3.8;
   t2xco2 = 3;
   \[Psi]1 = 0.00000;
   \[Psi]2 = 0.0028388;
   \[Psi]3 = 2.00;
   \[Xi]1 = 0.220;
   \[Xi]2 = \[Eta]/t2xco2;
   \[Xi]3 = 0.300;
   \[Xi]4 = 0.050;
   \[Phi]12 = 0.189288;
   \[Phi]12a = 0.189288;
   \[Phi]11 = 1 - \[Phi]12a;
   \[Phi]23 = 0.05;
   \[Phi]23a = 0.05;
   \[Phi]21 = 587.473*\[Phi]12a/1143.894;
   \[Phi]22 = 1 - \[Phi]21 - \[Phi]23a;
   \[Phi]32 = 1143.894*\[Phi]23a/18340;
   \[Phi]33 = 1 - \[Phi]32;
   mat1750 = 596.4;
   k0 = 137;
   y0 = 61.1;
   mat0 = 808.9;
   mup0 = 1255;
   mlo0 = 18365;
   tat0 = 0.7307;
   tlo0 = 0.0068;
   \[Mu]0 = 0.005;
   ceind0 = 0;
   cumu0 = 381800;
   scale1 = 194;

(* endogenous equality constraints*)

ceind[t_] := eind[t - 1] + ceind[t - 1];
ceind[1] = ceind[0] = ceind0;
   eind[t_] := 10 *\[Sigma][t] *(1 - \[Mu][t]) *ygr[t] + eland[t];
   for[t_] := \[Eta]*(Log[(matav[t] + 0.000001)/mat1750]/Log[2]) +
   mat[t_] := eind[t - 1] + \[Phi]11*mat[t - 1] + \[Phi]21*mup[t - 1];
mat[1] = mat[0] = mat0;
   matav[t_] := (mat[t] + mat[t + 1])/2;
   mlo[t_] := \[Phi]23*mup[t - 1] + \[Phi]33*mlo[t - 1];
mlo[1] = mlo[0] = mlo0;
   mup[t_] := \[Phi]12*mat[t - 1] + \[Phi]22*mup[t - 1] + \[Phi]32*
    mlo[t - 1]; mup[1] = mup[0] = mup0;
   tat[t_] :=
  tat[t - 1] + \[Xi]1*(for[t] - \[Xi]2*
       tat[t - 1] - \[Xi]3*(tat[t - 1] - tlo[t - 1]));
tat[1] = tat[0] = tat0;
   tlo[t_] := tlo[t - 1] + \[Xi]4*(tat[t - 1] - tlo[t - 1]);
tlo[1] = tlo[0] = tlo0;
   ygr[t_] := a[t]* k[t]^\[Gamma] *l[t]^(1 - \[Gamma]);
   dam[t_] :=
   ygr[t]*(1 - 1/(1 + \[Psi]1*tat[t] + \[Psi]2*(tat[t]^\[Psi]3)));
   \[CapitalLambda][t_] :=
   ygr[t] *\[CapitalPi][t] *\[CapitalTheta][t] *\[Mu][t]^\[Theta];
   y[t_] :=
  ygr[t]*(1 - \[CapitalPi][t]*\[CapitalTheta][
        t]*\[Mu][t]^\[Theta])/(1 + \[Psi]1*
       tat[t] + \[Psi]2*(tat[t]^\[Psi]3)); y[0] = y0;
   inv[t_] := (y[t] + 0.001)*s[t];
   k[t_] := 10*inv[t - 1] + ((1 - \[Delta])^10)*k[t - 1];
   k[1] = k[0] = k0;
   ri[t_] := \[Gamma]*y[t]/k[t] - (1 - (1 - \[Delta])^10)/10;
   c[t_] := y[t] - inv[t]; c[0] = 30;
   cpc[t_] := c[t]*1000/l[t];
   pcy[t_] := y[t]*1000/l[t];
   u[t_] := ((c[t]/l[t])^(1 - \[Alpha]) - 1)/(1 - \[Alpha]);
   cumu[t_] := cumu[t - 1] + (l[t]*u[t]*r[t]*10)/scale1;
cumu[1] = cumu[0] = cumu0;
   \[Mu][1] = \[Mu][0] = \[Mu]0;

(* endogenous inequality constraints *)
(* hold function prevents \
premature evaluation *)
endog = Hold[
    0.02*k[periods] <= inv[periods],
    100 <= k[t],
    20 <= c[t],
    10 <= mat[t],
    100 <= mup[t],
    1000 <= mlo[t],
    -1 <= tlo[t] <= 20,
    0 <= tat[t] <= 20,
    10 <= mat[t],
    ceind[t] <= 6000,
    0 <= y[t],
    0 <= inv[t],
    0 <= ygr[t],
    0 <= eind[t],
    0 <= matav[t],
    0 <= \[Mu][t]
endovars = Apply[List, Map[Hold, endog]];

(* processing ... *)

optimous = Flatten[Map[optvars /. t -> # &, Range[1, periods]]];
endogenous = Flatten[Map[endovars /. t -> # &, Range[1, periods]]];
(* global minimisation ... *)

soln = NMinimize[
    Apply[List, Map[ReleaseHold, Join[objvars, endogenous]]],
    Union[Cases[Apply[List, Map[ReleaseHold, optimous]],
      {x_Symbol[_Integer], _Integer | _Real, _Integer | _Real} | \
{x_Symbol[_Integer], _Integer | _Real},
      Infinity]], MaxIterations -> maxit];
(* local minimisation ... *)

(* print output to console ... *)
interimtime4 = AbsoluteTime[];
(*timedata1="FindMinimum completed in: \
"<>ToString[interimtime4-interimtime3]<>" seconds or \
"<>ToString[(interimtime4-interimtime3)/3600]<>" hours or \
"<>ToString[(interimtime4-interimtime3)/60]<>" minutes";*)

timedata2 =
   "Total elapsed time      : " <> ToString[interimtime4 - starttime] <>
     " seconds or " <> ToString[(interimtime4 - starttime)/3600] <>
    " hours or " <> ToString[(interimtime4 - starttime)/60] <>
    " minutes";

(* print output to file ... *)

outfilename =
   "temp-" <> DateString[{"YearShort", "Month", "Day"}] <>
    "-nmax-inpoint-it" <> ToString[maxit] <> "-p" <>
Put[soln, outfilename];

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