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Re: Giving an arbitrary number of arguments to Manipulate using Apply

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg94650] Re: Giving an arbitrary number of arguments to Manipulate using Apply
  • From: Jens-Peer Kuska <kuska at>
  • Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2008 07:22:17 -0500 (EST)
  • Organization: Uni Leipzig
  • References: <gidf9a$db$>
  • Reply-to: kuska at


testFunc[expr_, vars_] :=
  Module[{newFunc, args, i, p},
   newFunc = Apply[Plus, expr] /. vars[[1]] -> p;
   args :=
    Join[{Hold[Plot][newFunc, {p, 0, 10},
       Epilog -> Text[vars[[1]], {5, 1}]]},
     Table[{vars[[i]], 0, 10}, {i, 1, Length[vars]}]];
   Apply[Manipulate, args] // ReleaseHold]

testFunc[{Sin[a x], b + x^2, -b x}, {x, a, b}]



Yoichi Aso wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a problem with using Manipulate and Apply.
> I'd like to ask for your advice on this.
> Here is what I want to do:
> I have a list of expressions, expr, and a list of variables, vars.
> Each element of expr is a function of variables in vars.
> For example, expr={Sin[a x], x^2+b, - b x}; vars = {x,a,b}.
> Now, I want to write a function which takes expr and vars as arguments
> and does the following.
> First, it adds together the elements of expr to make a new function,  newFunc.
> Then it creates a Manipulate object with sliders for all the variables in vars.
> The first argument of the Manipulate is a Plot of newFunc as a
> function of the first variable
> in vars.The value of the other variables are determined by the
> sliders. Along with the plot,
> the value of the first variable is shown as a Text object in the plot.
> Here is a code I came up with to implement the above task.
> testFunc[expr_, vars_] := Module[{newFunc, args, i, p},
>   newFunc = Apply[Plus, expr] /. vars[[1]] -> p;
>   args :=
>    Join[{Plot[newFunc, {p, 0, 10}, Epilog -> Text[vars[[1]], {5, 1}]]},
>     Table[{vars[[i]], 0, 10}, {i, 1, Length[vars]}]];
>   Apply[Manipulate, args]
>   ]
> However, when I execute, for example,
> testFunc[{Sin[a x], b + x^2, -b x}, {x, a, b}]
> it shows nothing in the plot area.
> I'm guessing it is because Join tries to evaluate the arguments, and
> at this moment, Plot cannot draw a graph
> because the variables a and b do not have numerical values.
> I enclosed the Join with Hold and used ReleaseHold around the Apply,
> but still no plot shown.
> I used Apply because I don't know the length of vars in advance.
> I'd appreciate it if anyone can suggest a solution to this problem.
> Thank you in advance,
> Yoichi

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