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Complex elimination and possible Integrate[] bug -- advice sought

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg84542] Complex elimination and possible Integrate[] bug -- advice sought
  • From: UHAP023 at
  • Date: Thu, 3 Jan 2008 05:35:21 -0500 (EST)
  • Organization: Low Temperature Physics, RHUL

Dear All,
	A couple of queries;

(1) Regarding the following expression,

z=2*Sqrt[2]*Rvt^5*(Rvt^2 + Rx^2)^(3/2)*w^2*
 (Sqrt[2*Dc - I*Rx^2*w]*(2*Dc - I*(Rvt^2 + Rx^2)*w)^3 + 
  Sqrt[2*Dc + I*Rx^2*w]*(2*Dc + I*(Rvt^2 + Rx^2)*w)^3)

all the variables are of Real type and are +ve.  I do the following

z = FullSimplify[
    z, {Rx \[Element] Reals, Rvt \[Element] Reals, Dc \[Element] Reals, 
      w \[Element] Reals,  Rx > 0, Rvt > 0, Dc > 0,  w > 0}]

and get an unchanged result.  Now I believe that this expression
should *always* produce a real result for real, +ve parameter values.
A simple but obviously non-rigorous test is to substitute arbitrary
real,+ve values for the parameters and observe the numeric result,

Rx = Random[]; Rvt = Random[]; w = Random[]; Dc = Random[]; z

The result is indeed always real (ie. Im[z]==0).  Given that
FullSimplify[] tries to return the simplest result rather than
eliminate complex expressions as I want, I tried doing,

FullSimplify[z, {Rx \[Element] Reals, Rvt \[Element] Reals, 
    Dc \[Element] Reals, w \[Element] Reals,  Rx > 0, Rvt > 0, Dc > 0,  
    w > 0}, ComplexityFunction -> (Count[{#1}, _Complex , \[Infinity]] &)]

which I hoped would do what I want.  Unfortunately it returns a more
complicated result (fair enough) but which has the same number of I's
as the input expression (not OK).  What am I doing wrong here?  Is
there a way to do this?


(2) The above query was precipitated indirectly by the following
strangeness.  I am integrating the following integrand,

igrand=(Dc*Rx^2*Cos[theta]^2)/((4*Dc^2 + Rx^4*w^2*Cos[theta]^4)*
  (Rvt^2 + Rx^2*Sin[theta]^2)^3)

Again the parameters are all of Real type and +ve.  Moreover the
expression only contains a fraction, sums and products.  The integral
below is definite and both Cos[] and Sin[] are +ve over the
integration limits, so the area under the graph should also be Real
and +ve.

igral = Integrate[igrand, {theta, 0, Pi/2}, 
    Assumptions -> {Rx \[Element] Reals, Rvt \[Element] Reals, 
        w \[Element] Reals, Dc \[Element] Reals, theta \[Element] Reals, 
        Rx > 0, Rvt > 0, w > 0, Dc > 0, theta >= 0}]

However the integral contains many complex terms which is
understandable AIUI because Integrate[] tries many transforms/pattern
matches to do the integration -- some of which will produce a complex
result.  The thing that puzzles me is that the integration result
contains lots of terms such as 'Sign[Rvt]^2'.  My point is that
Integrate[] has been explicitly told in its Assumptions argument that
Rvt in this case is Real and +ve, so why does it do this?  Is this a
bug?  Admittedly a,

Simplify[igral, {Rx \[Element] Reals, Rvt \[Element] Reals, 
    w \[Element] Reals, Dc \[Element] Reals, Rx > 0, Rvt > 0, w > 0, Dc > 0}]

will remove terms like 'Sign[Rvt]^2' but I still end up with a complex
and unwieldy expression which is much larger that the integrand.

Any suggestions?

Many thanks
Tom Crane

Ps. I'm using Mathematica 4.0 and the From: field in the message header is
invalid.  It is just a spam-trap.

Tom Crane, Dept. Physics, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham Hill,
Egham, Surrey, TW20 0EX, England. 
Email:  T.Crane at rhul dot ac dot uk
Fax:    +44 (0) 1784 472794

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