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A set of several questions

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg90097] A set of several questions
  • From: Aaron Fude <aaronfude at>
  • Date: Sat, 28 Jun 2008 05:55:28 -0400 (EDT)


1. How does one switch between windows within Mathematica. Ctrl-Tab
does not seem to work.

2. When I use the ContourPlot, I am not able add Text outside of the
plot area by doing Show[plot, text]. The text simply doesn't show up.

3. How does one add a common legend for plots in a GraphicsGrid?

4. I'm trying to master the Mathematica documentation, but I am still
at a loss as to where some of the options are hiding. For example,
Ticks is an option under Plot, but it is nowhere to be found under the
documentation for Plot. OK, with "Ticks" I guessed to search for
"Ticks", but with another option I may not be so lucky.

5. Does Mathematica have something equivalent to structures. Suppose I
have an project with twenty parameters and part of the project is a
function f(x) that, of course, depends on those parameters. Ideally,
I'd like to write something along the lines of:

f[s_, x_]:= Integrate[Sin[y], {y, s.a,s.b}] + Cos[s.H1 + s.H2] + x +
s.H + s.d*s.e

as opposed to

f[a_, b_, c_, d_, e_, H1_, H2_, x_] := ...

I guess I could use a list "s" and access it by saying s[[H1]] where
H1=6, but is there a better solution?

Many thanks in advance!


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