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Contourplot3d of a list of expressions

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg93030] Contourplot3d of a list of expressions
  • From: "Walied.Othman at" <Walied.Othman at>
  • Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2008 02:30:16 -0400 (EDT)

I am puzzled, I have a Table of 4 expressions in the variables X,Y,t.
Somewhere in obtaining those expressions I also use transpose. The
following works, it returns four separate plots
{ContourPlot3D[Evaluate[{CovBand[[1]]}], {X, -4, 4}, {Y, -4, 6}, {t,
1, 2.7}], ContourPlot3D[Evaluate[{CovBand[[2]]}], {X, -4, 4}, {Y, -4,
6}, {t, 1, 2.7}], ContourPlot3D[Evaluate[{CovBand[[3]]}], {X, -4, 4},
{Y, -4, 6}, {t, 1, 2.7}], ContourPlot3D[Evaluate[{CovBand[[4]]}], {X,
-4, 4}, {Y, -4, 6}, {t, 1, 2.7}]}

However, whenever I try to plot all of them in one single box, using
{X, -4, 4}, {Y, -4, 6}, {t, 1, 2.7}]}
I consistently get a "-3.5 is not a variable" or "... can not be
transposed" errors. Yes, some transposing does happen to obtain the

At the basis of this lie 2 equations, both of which are a circle or an
ellipse. I use the exact same approach for all combinations, and
circle-circle and ellipse-ellipse does what I want it to do without
producing errors, but ellipse-circle does not as outlined above. And
it's only the contourplot3d producing the errors, all the computations
leading to contourplot3d execute without an error.

Any pointers to what's going wrong?

kind regards,
Walied Othman

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