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Re: Looking for Stop

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg93140] Re: Looking for Stop
  • From: David Bailey <dave at>
  • Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2008 04:54:52 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <gdugb5$jq8$>

carlos at wrote:
> Mathematica has two termination commands:
>    Abort[]  interrupts a computation
>    Exit[] or Quit[]   returns control to OS
> I use Exit[] in some course-distributed application programs
> that detect an irrecoverable error requiring user intervention
> and program changes. This has an undesirable side effect:
> all cells containing support modules have to be reinitialized.
> Abort[] does not have that effect; however it doesnt stop
> execution of whatever follows.
> Is there a command "in between" that stops kernel
> execution but leaves cells initialized? Constraint:
> it has to work with versions >=4.1.  I looked for
> Stop[] but there isnt such a thing under versions 4 or 5.
> Note: played with Throw and Catch, but this only terninates
> the evaluation of whatever is inside Catch[...].  Not too
> useful for big programs.  I also tought to place a forward
> Goto to a Label: at the end of the main program;
> that doesnt work either since a label is not visible
> until it is reached.
> What happens if the code hits Break[] and there is no enclosing
> Do, For or While? Need to check that possibility.
Abort[] does stop an evaluation immediately, but it does not stop the 
item by item evaluation of the contents of a notebook - just the current 
evaluation. Compare for example:

Print["Something else"];
Print["Yet more"];


  Print["Something else"];
  Print["Yet more"];)

The first case consists of four separate evaluations (even if they lie 
within one cell) whereas the second is just one larger evaluation. The 
second one aborts in the desired way.

In general it is best (for many reasons) to structure your code as a 
series of variable/function definitions followed by one call to a 
function that starts the code running. If you do that, Abort[] will do 
what you require.

David Bailey

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