MathGroup Archive 2008

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WorldPlot and crosshatching countries

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg92078] WorldPlot and crosshatching countries
  • From: "Daniel Kramer" <boydkramer at>
  • Date: Fri, 19 Sep 2008 05:17:28 -0400 (EDT)

This shouldn't be difficult but after having spent some time on it, I
haven't made any headway. I am trying to illustrate two variables on a world
map. The first is illustrated using color. The second, a binary variable, by
a thick, black border. Instead of using the thick, black border, I'd like to
use vertical, diagonal, or horizontal cross hatching. Below is some simple
code which illustrates the process using the thick, black border. How do I
use cross hatching? I am using version 6.



<< WorldPlot`
border = {Black, Thickness[.01]};
country1 = {"USA", "China", "Nigeria"};
country2 = {"China"};
color1 = {Blue, Red, Yellow};
color2 = {Hue[3, 1, 1, .01]};
map1 = WorldPlot[{country1, color1}, WorldToGraphics -> True,
  WorldGridBehind -> True, WorldBackground -> White,
  WorldGrid -> None, ImageSize -> {500}]
map2 = WorldPlot[{country2, color2}, WorldToGraphics -> True,
  WorldBorders -> border, WorldGrid -> None, ImageSize -> {500}]
finalmap = Show[{map1, map2}]

boydkramer at

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