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Re: Re: Joust in Mathematica

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg98308] Re: [mg98295] Re: Joust in Mathematica
  • From: robert prince-wright <robertprincewright at>
  • Date: Sun, 5 Apr 2009 06:39:36 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <gr21m6$lr4$> <gr4jqm$ag6$> <>

thanks to David and Albert

Albert is on the right track and I'll put some effort into the use of OpenerView. If I can create something functional I'll post it here to see if we can improve it. 

I can't see a way of showing lines for the joust (i.e. a sideways tree) but can easily forgo that at this stage. The open - closed carret is presumably just displaying and hiding a Cell so in principel I could place a graphic at the start followed by a hyperlink or expression. In principle, we would be able to create something far more useful than the Joust. At first I was simply thinking of using it for navigation much in the same way that the Help Menu works, but there seems to be an opportunity to create something with more intelligence built in. At this stage I am just scouting for ideas and trying to avoid heading down the wrong track.

The use of Head to frame the tree was certainly less than obvious! I would have expected a nested list - something like

{Europe, { UK, Germany, Spain, France...}}, {America,{ Argentina, Brazil, Peru, .....}}, {Asia,..{}}, {Australia....{}}, {Africa...{}}}

I can appreciate Davids point about making money using Mathematica. I've been slowly introducing Mathematica 7 into my daily work flow after having given up on it for nearly a decade. The last time I used it seriously was in 2000!! The current bottleneck seems to be graphics speed.


----- Original Message ----
From: "dbreiss at" <dbreiss at>
To: mathgroup at
Sent: Friday, April 3, 2009 8:17:11 PM
Subject: [mg98308] [mg98295] Re: Joust in Mathematica

It was sort of difficult to see what Joust is from looking at its
website and documentation.  There wasn't a quick explaination of what
it does.  My sense is that it was a navigation tool of some sort.

Creating things of that general sort in Mathematica should be quite
doable.  The front end is very plastic in terms of what you cn create
in it (though it certainly does have limitations...).

But the key issue is that anything of this sort takes considerable
time to create.  So one (one who does not have lots of free time)
needs a business model that supports its creation.

Sadly, in my experience with  there
is very little interest in general tools.  And so, thes things only
can get created in one's spare time.

Any thoughts on how viable businesses can get created based on
Mathematica?  My experience over the years is that it's quite
difficult to do...

On Apr 3, 5:10 am, Albert Retey <a... at> wrote:
> Hi,
> > I've been wondering how to set up something that behaves like the Java =
> > in Mathematica: we all use them every d=
> on on
> > windows machines, so I am wondering how to implement something like it =
> > Mathematica. At first, I thought of using GraphPlot or TreePlot, but
> > then started to wonder if OpenerView and Opener could be trained to beh=
ave in
> a more
> > general way. Has anyone thought about this already, or got some
> working examples?
> I think OpenerView isn't providing the looks, but the functionality,
> depending of course what exactly you have in mind. What exactly are you
> missing? Here is some code for Mathematica 7 you might want to play with:
> tree = "A"["B"["x", "y", "z"], "C"["f"["g"["asdf"]]]]
> ov[a_String] := Button[a, content = a]
> ov[expr_] := OpenerView[{Head[expr], Column[ov /@ (List @@ expr)]}]
> CreateDialog[{Dynamic[
>    Row[{Panel[
>       Pane[ov[tree], ImageSize -> {100, 200},
>        Scrollbars -> {False, True}]],
>      Panel[Pane[Dynamic[content], ImageSize -> {200, 200}]]}]]}]
> hth,
> albert


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