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Re: CVS Install on Windows XP for Workbench

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg105607] Re: [mg105597] CVS Install on Windows XP for Workbench
  • From: Adam Berry <adamb at>
  • Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2009 04:17:29 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <>

On 12/10/09 3:58 AM, Colin Ladyka wrote:
> We are attempting to install and configure CVS so it can be used by the Wolfram Workbench CVS client.
> We have multiple Windows XP computers all accessing a single shared drive. We have installed CVS on the shared drive. We can run the server in "local access method" from a command line in a DOS window on all systems.  We have successfully created&  deleted repositories on the share.
> Workbench only appears to provide access to CVS via client/server access methods (pserver, ext, extssh, or pserverssh2).  The local access method appears to be missing.
> Is it possible to access the CVS server in local access method from the Workbench client?
> How is this done?
> Is this a bad idea?
> If local access method is not possible/desirable, which access method is preferred?
> Windows XP does not provide an rsh or ssh service. Are there recommended free ones out there?
> Is there documentation on how to configure a CVS server on Windows XP for Wolfram Workbench?
> The CVS manual (Version Management with CVS for CVS 1.11.23, Per Cederqvist et al) provides documentation for setting up the server for password authentication, but it all appears to apply to UNIX type operating systems (ex. modifying /etc/inetd.conf,...).

As you have noted the only, the CVS support in Wolfram Workbench (built 
on Eclipse, which is where this feature is inherited from) is only a 
client in the client/server model. Local access to the repository does 
not fit into this method of connecting to a CVS repository.

In a multi-machine, multi-user scenario you really will be better off 
setting up a cvs server, but as you have noted cvs itself is really for 
linux/unix environments. One approach would be to setup a linux box 
(could be a virtual machine) to put the cvs server on. Alternatively 
there is cvsnt, which is a dropin for cvs, where you can serve the 
repository from windows using a method that the workbench can connect to.

For downloads;
Installation Guide;
Eclipse cvs faq, which mentions some cvsnt specific things;

But it does look like there may be some issues with cvsnt and the 
workbench/eclipse cvs client, but I also see that cvsnt has professional 
support available, but the eclipse cvs faq does outline tests you can 
execute to see if your setup is compatible.

Finally, it is possible to use the command line (or some other client 
that does support local directory access) with your code that you 
develop in the workbench, although you do use having all the 
functionality integrated. See 
for a discussion of what this means.

I am not recommending any particular approach/product to you, I just 
wanted to give you some information to help you move forward.

Adam Berry
Wolfram Workbench Development Team
Wolfram Research, Inc

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