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Re: reverse the order of replacements in a list of rules

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg105966] Re: [mg105954] reverse the order of replacements in a list of rules
  • From: "David Park" <djmpark at>
  • Date: Mon, 28 Dec 2009 04:57:16 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <31658378.1261900384846.JavaMail.root@n11>

Map (/@) Reverse onto your list of rules.

toyrule = {k1 k2 -> a, k3 k4 k5 -> b, k4 k6 k7 -> c, 
  k8 k9/k10 + k11 -> d}; 

Reverse /@ toyrule 
{a -> k1 k2, b -> k3 k4 k5, c -> k4 k6 k7, d -> k11 + (k8 k9)/k10} 

David Park
djmpark at  

From: sean [mailto:sean_incali at] 

Hello group,

This is kinda related with my earlier question about lumping
parameters. now that I have lumped my parameters, I would like to
define a new rule that reverses the lumping. I could od it manually,
but it just seem there should be a better way of doing it..

Suppose you have the following rule for replacing parameters. (in
lumping, I used up all the letters in alphabet and about half of
double struck letters. So the actual rule is very long.)

toyrule = {k1 k2  -> a, k3 k4 k5 -> b, k4 k6 k7 -> c, k8 k9/k10 + k11 -
> d }

and so on and on.

What I want to accomplish is now come up with reverse rule that with
replace the lumped parameter with primitive parameters.

revtoyrule = {a -> k1 k2,  b -> k3 k4 k5 ,  c-> k4 k6 k7, d-> k8 k9/
k10 + k11}

And so on.

Thanks much in advance.


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