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Re: Problem with Rasterize[] on Strings

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg95137] Re: Problem with Rasterize[] on Strings
  • From: m.r at
  • Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2009 04:13:04 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <gjsgbg$k2s$>

Nathan Myhrvold wrote:
> I am trying to use Rasterize[] on strings, and I am running into some
> strange behavior.
> This line works fine
> s1 = Style["A medium length string", FontSize-> 10, FontFamily ->
> "Times"];
> Rasterize[s1,  ImageResolution -> 100]
> However, as I increase either the font size, or the image resolution,
> the text will wrap into two or more lines:
> s2 = Style["A medium length string", FontSize-> 100, FontFamily ->
> "Times"];
> Rasterize[s2,  ImageResolution -> 300]
> The strange thing is that this depends on the window size!  If you make
> the window very narrow (or have a low resolution screen) then it will
> start wrapping sooner that it will with.  So depending on your monitor
> and graphics card, and what size window you use, you can find a
> combination that will wrap.
> So if I stretch a Mathematica window across my dual-monitor set up, I
> can take the string s2 up to ImageResolution-> 192 before it wraps.
> With a small window it wraps at ImageResolution-> 90.
> I think what is going on here is that the Mathematica front end is doing
> the rasterizing and it first lays out the string for the window.    If
> it needs to wrap, then it formats the string into two lines before it
> rasterizes.  The weird part is that the decision to format depends on
> the resolution even though the display does not.
> So, even if s2 above displays correctly, and even if the result of
> Rasterize[s2,ImageResolution->300]  is displayed correctly (at 100 point
> font size) the intermediate calculation of whether there is enough space
> to rasterize somehow is done depending on window size.  I think this is
> a rather serious bug,  because it defeats the purpose of using
> ImageResolution higher than screen resolution.   Note that the same
> occurs for RasterSize->num   when num is bigger than your window, it
> wraps.
> My question is this - how can I avoid this word wrapping?  There must be
> some way to do this!
> One approach I have tried is to use Graphics inside Rasterize, i.e.
> Rasterize[Graphics[Text[s2,{0,0},{-1,0}],ImageSize->{All, 200}] ,
> ImageResolution -> 300]
> This has a couple problems:
> -        I get lots of padding on both sides of the text.  I can't seem
> to control it with ImagePadding-> 0, PlotRangePadding-> 0
> -        Yet if I don't make ImageSize very large, I have my string cut
> off.
> Perhaps I am not making the right incantations to Graphics[] to get this
> to work properly.
> Here is an additional question.  I am using Rasterize because I need to
> send documents to computers that don't have the same fonts I have.
> Normally I would use a PDF file.  However Mathematica does not seem to
> support the font embedding feature of PDF files.   If there was a way to
> enable font embedding do that I wouldn't need to Rasterize the text.
> Nathan
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Add LineBreakWithin -> False to Style.

Maxim Rytin
m.r at

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