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Forgets Variables?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg97175] Forgets Variables?
  • From: Ktota <NuKtoBi at>
  • Date: Sat, 7 Mar 2009 02:38:46 -0500 (EST)

Hi there,

i have the following procedure:

callNormValue = (Sum[
     If[v*(tsum2 - lifetime35S - eqTime) < 4000,
        Sum[Max[v*(tsum - lifetime35S - eqTime), 0], {tsum,
          tsum2 - lifetime27SA + 1, tsum2, 1}],
        Sum[If[v*(tsum - lifetime35S - eqTime) < 4000,
          v*(tsum - lifetime35S - eqTime), 4000], {tsum,
          tsum2 - lifetime27SA + 1, tsum2, 1}]]*(1 - P) +
      If[v*(tsum2 - eqTime) < 4000,
        Sum[Max[v*(tsum - eqTime), 0], {tsum,
          tsum2 - lifetime27SANTC + 1, tsum2, 1}],
        Sum[If[v*(tsum - eqTime) < 4000, Max[v*(tsum - eqTime), 0],
          4000], {tsum, tsum2 - lifetime27SANTC + 1, tsum2, 1}]]*
       P, {tsum2, 60, t2, 60}])/(maxX/60);

i call it with:
callNormValue /. {lifetime35S -> 17, P -> 0.7, t2 -> maxX}

it gives me a proper result, but as soon i change t2 to maxX in the
first expression (where i do the sums) it doesn't evaluate the the
procedure anymore (maxX has a global value already set). I have
actually quite a lot of trouble to hand over values to this
procedure.. and i have no idea why it doesn't work.

(for except lifetime35S,P and t2 all the variables have a set value)

thank you,


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