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Looking for automated search engine for conjectures in algebraic

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg97452] Looking for automated search engine for conjectures in algebraic
  • From: dontdont at
  • Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2009 04:53:08 -0500 (EST)

There are search engines that look for symbolic generators for
sequences.  There are engines that look for symbolic forms that match
real valued constants.  There is a very successful engine that looks
for conjectures in graph theory, unfortunately I cannot remember the
name of that one at the moment.

I think I remember, but I now cannot find, an engine that searches for
conjectures in simple algebra or perhaps algebraic geometry.  This
does not need to produce a proof, just searching through the
composition of an assortment of functions applied to a handful of test
cases until it stumbles onto one or more likely conjectures that
satisfies a conjunction of equalities will be enough.

I'm almost certain I remember seeing this, but a day of google
searches and asking a few people has turned up nothing.  It might have
been a Mathematica package, but I've searched Wolfram's site and not
found anything.

A tangible, but over-simplified example, might help.  Imagine the
cosine law for triangles was not known, but you suspect there is a
relationship between the edges of any triangle.  The engine would be
handed an equality, with unknown functions on both sides, and a set of
example triangles.  The task is to search through a bounded set of
functions applied to each triangle until it finds something that
likely satisfies the equality as far as N[] is concerned.

Can anyone recall where they saw something like this described?  Or,
as a last resort, how something like this might be coded up in

Thank you

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