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Re: New Wolfram Tutorial Collection documentation is ready

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg99270] Re: New Wolfram Tutorial Collection documentation is ready
  • From: Thomas Münch <thomas.muench at>
  • Date: Fri, 1 May 2009 05:24:28 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <gtbunt$2qn$>

I downloaded all of the PDFs, and it took a very long time, even on my
fast connection at work. My guess is that Wolfram gives these
downloads less bandwidth compared to, for example, downloading
software, or the curated data. But I would say that's all right.

The largest of the files is "Visualization and graphics", which comes
at almost 140MB. I opened it in Acrobat (Professional version), and
simply out of curiosity removed all the Metadata and hidden
information in the pdf (You can do this under the Menu item "Document
> Examine Document...", at least under Windows). After doing this, and
saving the file, the size was reduced to less than 30 MB, just a bit
over one fifth of the original! On first visual inspection, the two
versions appear to be identical.

This particular file contains lots of graphics, so the reduction in
size might not be as large in other files, I didn't try. But anyways,
this begs the question: did I remove ANY functionality by doing this?
If not, it would be much nicer if Wolfram could place PDFs of reduced
size for download on their website.


On Apr 30, 12:32 pm, Bob F <deepyog... at> wrote:
> I got e-mail today from Wolfram saying that the new "Tutorial
> Collection" documents are ready for downloading of the PDF or HTML
> files, or purchase of the hardcopy. There are 23 volumes that take up
> about 354 MB if you downloaded them all (about 3668 pages according to
> Wolfram). I wonder if these are readable by any of the e-book readers
> like Kindle or the Sony or ??? If anyone knows please let us know ...
> I am sure this will be exciting nighttime reading ;-) You could buy a
> Kindle for the cost of these books. But will it or the Sony show them
> correctly??
> -Bob
> ps -- the URL for these is
> and apparently there are a few volumes that are not finished or they
> are out of stock, so if you want the printed volumes the website for
> purchasing them said there may be a 2-3 week delay for the few volumes
> that fall into this category (see
> ) Also note that the hardcopy books are printed in black & white (not
> color like the PDF and HTML versions are).

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