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Re: How do I send the palette behind other windows?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg99295] Re: How do I send the palette behind other windows?
  • From: Helen Read <hpr at>
  • Date: Sat, 2 May 2009 05:58:00 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <gtbtsp$26s$> <gteeuc$vc$>

Bob F wrote:
> On Apr 30, 4:18 am, sean_inc... at wrote:
>> I was trying to do some typesetting and needed the palettes, and to my
>> surprise, they changed the precedence of the palettes such that it
>> stays on top of all other windows.
>> How do I fix this so that it will get behind the window when I click
>> other windows to activate them?
>> Thanks for any insights.
>> Sean
> I thought the WindowFloating attribute is supposed to control this
> (set to True it's always on top, set to False it's on top if you click
> on it, or underneath others if you click on some other window or
> palette), but I tried setting one of my Palettes to WindowFloating-
>> False and it still has this "always on top" behavior, so not sure why
> this happens, but I wonder if this is platform or version specific. I
> tried this on a Mac with version 7.0.1 -- what version/platform does
> Sean have?

The only I have found to prevent the palettes from always floating on 
top is to edit the FrontEnd init.m file. Look for 
PalettesMenuSettings->{ } and within that there are settings for 
individual palettes. Set WindowFloating->False for *each* palette that 
you do not want to float on top. There will generally be a whole whack 
of options already set for the palettes that you use. For instance, 
here's what the ClassroomsAssistant palette settings look in my profile 
on the machine where I am currently logged on. I have added the 
WindowFloating->False option to it. Following that there may be other 
palettes listed, and you can insert others if they are not there.

  "ClassroomAssistant.nb" -> {
    WindowMargins -> {{Automatic, 100}, {Automatic, 36}},
     TaggingRules -> {
      "DocuToolsSettings" -> {
        "$PaletteMode" -> "Internal", "$ApplicationName" -> "Mathematica",
         "$LinkBase" -> "Mathematica", "$ApplicationDirectory" ->
         "C:\\Mathematica\\", "$DocumentationDirectory" ->
"ShowCalculator" -> True, "PaletteMode" -> 1,
"ShowNavigationTools" -> False,
       "ShowBasicCommands" -> True, "ShowWritingTools" -> False,
       "ShowBasicTypesetting" -> False, "ShowAbcKeyboard" -> False,
       "ShowHelpLinks" -> False, "OptionsInsertionMode" -> 


Helen Read
University of Vermont

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