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Solving the system with inexact coefficients

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg99335] Solving the system with inexact coefficients
  • From: Desana <incolaster at>
  • Date: Sun, 3 May 2009 05:20:50 -0400 (EDT)

this is my problem : I've got cca 40 sinusoidal waves ( e.g. 0.118149
Cos[25.1013 t]) and after superposition I get irregurar wave record.
I'm trying to see how many waves I have in certain interval by finding
how many zero crossings there are:

Reduce[Total[Subscript[\[Eta], i]] == 0 && 0 < t < 60, t]

but I couldn't because "Reduce was unable to solve the system with
inexact coefficients"

What's the problem?  What does it mean?
Can I find intersection between my wave and x-axis in any other wave?
Perhaps graphically ?

Thank you,
student Desana

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