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Reading csv with ;

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg99415] Reading csv with ;
  • From: Dennis <detebeest at>
  • Date: Tue, 5 May 2009 05:42:22 -0400 (EDT)

I'm trying to read a csv with mathematicaâ?¦

Now the problem is that my system settings are at ";" as seperator instead of more traditional ",". So the it effectively looks like 1;1;1;1 instead of 1,1,1,1

Normally this makes not difference as in most software you can choose the delimiter/seperator before reading a file, so you pick â??separator = ;â?? or whatever.

With mathematica however I have so far been unable to do this. Now the question of course: how so I change the seperator with mathematica?

Because quite a few files have a â??;â?? separator I would like to find a solution within mathematica instead of changing the system settings.



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