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Re: copy and paste to other programs

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg99595] Re: copy and paste to other programs
  • From: Bob F <deepyogurt at>
  • Date: Fri, 8 May 2009 00:20:22 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <gtudkh$j0u$>

On May 7, 4:37 am, Hannes Kessler <HannesKess... at> wrote:
> Hello,
> before Mathematica 7 it was a pleasure to use Mathematica in the
> preparation of Powerpoint presentations or Word documents: Do the
> calculations and generate the plots and tables in Mathematica, then
> copy as Metafile invoking the right mouse context menu and paste to
> the other program. The copy and paste takes 2 seconds.
> Copy as Metafile disappeared in Mathematica 7. Just copy and paste
> produces crazy fonts when the Powerpoint file is opened on a computer
> without Mathematica. My current workaround is to print the Mathematica
> notebook to a file using a Postscript printer, then to convert the
> printer file to PDF with Acrobat Distiller and to copy what is needed
> from the PDF. This works reliable whereas saving as PDF from the
> Mathematica file menu produces sometimes strange PDF output. The
> workaround takes perhaps 10 x 2 = 20 seconds and creates intermediate
> files which clutter your directories.
> Doing this once is not a problem but preparing a presentation with 30
> slides or just doing a quick change on an existing presentation is now
> a pain.
> Did I oversee something in the new interface of Mathematica 7? Are
> there quicker ways?
> By the way, I am not really a fan of Powerpoint or Word, but as a
> matter of fact are these programs de-facto standards to exchange
> information with colleges in some non-academic areas.
> Best regards,
> Hannes Kessler

I just tried this and it works fine from on a Mac for example from
Mathematica into the TextEdit application for a graphic of simple Plot
[Cos[x], {x, -Pi, Pi}] using the right-mouse click and selecting "Copy
Graphic" from the menu (on version 7). What is the difference between
the "Copy" (in version 6) and "Copy Graphic" (in version 7). They both
produced the same thing on my Mac with version 6 and 7.

What platform are you doing this on with Mathematica and what version
of Mathematica?


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