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Re: Recovering data from DumpSave

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg99737] Re: Recovering data from DumpSave
  • From: Albert Retey <awnl at>
  • Date: Tue, 12 May 2009 05:44:02 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <gu3arb$t79$> <> <gub7cj$4f4$>

Fernando Cucchietti wrote:
> Hello all,
> I slipped and did a terribly long calculation and then used DumpSave 
> of a variable defined inside a Module. Previous tests of the code were 
> fine, but of course, I was testing outside the Module structure. Now 
> Get doesn't load anything, although the data must be on the file 
> because it is pretty large (>100 MB). I imagine that DumpSave wrote my 
> data along with a temporary variable name in the context that was on 
> at that time, as it was one of the variables inside the Module. So, 
> now when I try to Get it it loads it up somewhere (takes a little 
> time) but then dumps it because the context does not exist anymore...I 
> can see in the files that my variable (originally named phase) has 
> $anumber attached to it, indicating it is  a temporary variable. I don't
> know how to find the context name in the file, let alone how to recreate it.
> Any ideas on how to recover the data? The variable is a list 
> containing trees (more lists) filled with numbers. Please don't 
> suggest computing everything again as it took a week to do it...


I can't tell for sure, but a simple test makes me believe that

Import[filename, "MX"]

could work. If you don't know the $number attached to your variable,
just type your variable name and use Ctrl-K (might be some other key
combination if you are not on Windows) to get a list of defined variable



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