Animated Bubble Chart
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg100018] Animated Bubble Chart
- From: Jon Rogers <jroge at>
- Date: Fri, 22 May 2009 01:42:13 -0400 (EDT)
I am looking to create an animated bubble chart similar to what Hans Rosling did at TED a few years ago. It seems like Mathematica's Manipulate function is a perfect tool for doing this. Can anyone suggest some ideas on how to approach this? I am a newbie user and have gotten stuck. I am pulling in data using the CountryData function and one of the examples from the built-in documentation. Here is the code from the online documentation: countries = CountryData["Europe"]; properties = {"PovertyFraction", "GDPPerCapita", "Population"}; data = {#1, Log@#2, #3} & @@@ Table[CountryData[c, p], {c, countries}, {p, properties}]; labeler[v_, {r_, c_}, ___] := Placed[Grid[{{Style[countries[[c]], Bold, 12], SpanFromLeft}, {"Poverty", Row[{Round[100 v[[1]]], "%"}]}, {"GDP Per Capita", Row[{"$", Round[Exp[v[[2]]]]}]}, {"Population", Row[{NumberForm[v[[3]] 10^-6, {4, 2}], " million"}]}}, Alignment -> Left], Tooltip] BubbleChart[data, ChartStyle -> 24, LabelingFunction -> labeler, FrameLabel -> {"Poverty Fraction", "Log GDP Per Capita"}] The chart is using poverty on the X-Axis, GDP Per Capita on the Y, and Population for the bubble size. I would like to animate the bubbles for a 10-year period, 1990-2000. Any pointers would be appreciated. Thanks, Jon PS: Here is a link to Hans' TED presentation: