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Testing a heavy graphics

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg100099] Testing a heavy graphics
  • From: "E. Martin-Serrano" <eMartinSerrano at>
  • Date: Sat, 23 May 2009 06:33:49 -0400 (EDT)


I have written a, still half cooked, compound piece of 3D graphics which
does not perform as I whished. It does not rotate, pan or zoom reasonably
fast, probably due to the low power of my computer: 3.4 GH Pentium 4 - 1Gb
RAM =96 NVIDIA GeForce FX 5600 8X with 128 Mb DDR video memory & Windows XP
SP3. (It is about 6 years old but always worked fine for me, except in case
like this with elaborated 3D (contour) graphics). With this machine, I
usually confront nearly the same difficulties when trying a *Show* or
*Manipulate* statement over a given threshold (not very high) of pieces of
3D graphics to mix.

This still half cooked graphics that I have written takes some time to
re-render as I play with the checks buttons to modify the graphics
configuration; and it moves pretty sluggishly through discrete jumps when
rotating, dragging, zooming and panning. Maybe it would perform much better
if I had a more powerful computer such as a new four-nucleus processor and
some 4 Gb RAM and better graphics card. Maybe I had to rewrite the code.

Besides, the graphics has been written with the David Park Presentations
graphics package, which allows me to develop tricky of graphics with
comparatively little effort and makes a lot easier to move incrementally
towards more and more sophisticated pieces of graphics.

Now, I am looking for someone who is using Presentations on a powerful
computer under Windows XP/Vista to test weather my  graphics could perform
smoothly and fast as, say, a typical Plot3D[Sin[x]*Cos[x]],{x,-Pi,Pi}] does.

If anyone wanted to help me making the test, please provide me with an email
address where to send the notebook with my additional remarks.

Best regards

E. Martin-Serrano


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