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Re: seems I broke the FE of V7

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg100149] Re: [mg100110] seems I broke the FE of V7
  • From: Indivisible <congruentialuminaire at>
  • Date: Tue, 26 May 2009 05:10:54 -0400 (EDT)

Hello John:
Nope. I reboot-ed Mathematica and the OS several times. When I tried to backup all my files since V7 was installed, some .nb files could not be copied. XP xcopy complained that they were "invalid directories" and that I should "run chkdsk". So something bad happened at some point. No evidence Mathematica caused this, but the usual suspects are *not* installed (i.e. VisStudio, Office, VPN S/W etc.).
Also, I found out the V7.0.1 link they sent to me [some weeks ago] was stale so I requested a refresh.
Roger Williams
Franklin Laboratory

--- On Mon, 5/25/09, John Fultz <jfultz at> wrote:

From: John Fultz <jfultz at>
Subject: [mg100149] Re: [mg100110] seems I broke the FE of V7
To: congruentialuminaire at
Cc: mathgroup at
Date: Monday, May 25, 2009, 10:11 AM

I'd definitely recommend upgrading to 7.0.1 regardless.  Did the problem go away when you restart Mathematica?  A difficult-to-reproduce problem similar to this was reported in 7.0.0 which only lasted until you restarted the session.  I don't recall the same problem having been reported against 7.0.1, although I wouldn't swear to it.

I wouldn't expect the loading of a Demonstrations notebook to cause any problems.


John Fultz
User Interface Group
jfultz at

congruentialuminaire at wrote:
> Hello UG:
> I was using my XP based V7 system just fine until an hour ago or so.
> Now all notebooks are unformatted. When I give a simple string "2+2",
> then Ctrl-Enter does not evaluate it. The interface and the menus look
> OK, but then I noticed that Format>>Style shows no styles, only a menu
> separator and then "Other".
> I can guess that no cells are input cells, so they cannot be
> evaluated. But how could I have blown all my styles away.
> The only "suspicious" thing that happened is that I downloaded a
> Demostrations source package (about Planck's constant I think). It
> evaluated and ran OK. I used help and ran some simple evals after the
> Demonstration.
> Any helpful thoughts? Maybe I have to go to 7.0.1 now.
> TIA.
> Regards..
> Roger Williams
> Franklin Laboratory

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