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Re: Is it possible to create a single csv file one row at a time using

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg103554] Re: Is it possible to create a single csv file one row at a time using
  • From: Bill Rowe <readnews at>
  • Date: Sun, 27 Sep 2009 23:06:38 -0400 (EDT)

On 9/27/09 at 7:30 AM, phineas.q.butterfats at (Phineas Q.
Butterfats) wrote:

>I'm running an algorithm that outputs a list of numbers each time it
>runs.  I need to collect this data so I can analyze it in
>Mathematica, but I have to run my algorithm about 14 million
>times. So far I've been creating tables with 100,000 rows (one
>for each run
>of the algorithm) and then exporting them to csv files.  My question
>is:  can I create a csv file one row at a time?  Is there a way to
>use Export (or something else) so that the file isn't overwritten
>each time I run my algorithm, but instead builds a single csv file
>row by row?  It's less taxing on my system if I can create the csv
>file "on the fly," as opposed to creating such big tables first, and
>then exporting them. Of course, I could just have 14 million csv
>files, each with one row, but I'd prefer to group them 100,000 at a
>time to begin with.

The following idea should work for you.

First, use OpenWrite to open a file for collecting the data. Use
ExportString to convert the output of your algorithm to a CSV
string. Then use Write to write the resulting string to the
output stream returned by OpenWrite. Finally, simply close all
the file to finish up.

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