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trying to use InputField as a continually attentive string input

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg108827] trying to use InputField as a continually attentive string input
  • From: mkr <mileskrains at>
  • Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2010 05:20:20 -0500 (EST)

I am trying to set up some interactive code where I issue short
instruction strings to drive some additional dynamic code.

My hope was to use an InputField into which I could continuously type
these short instructions, with a given character sequence ("do" in the
code below) acting as the trigger (I was guessing that using the
[Enter] key might not work).

There are a couple of immediate problem behaviors that I observe:
first, when InputField input contains spaces, the cursor keeps getting
moved to inside of the string, second, after ending a string with
"do", the cursor ends up to the right of the InputField, requiring a
[<-] keypress to get the cursor back into the InputField.

I am using 7.0.1 on XP. Code follows:


FullForm@procstring["process thisdo"];
FullForm@procstring["and thisdo"];
FullForm@procstring["but not this"];


Any help fixing this approach, or with some other technique for
achieving the same general sort of input mechanism by another
approach, would be greatly appreciated.



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