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Re: Button Problem

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg109271] Re: Button Problem
  • From: John Fultz <jfultz at>
  • Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 05:49:49 -0400 (EDT)

Yes, this works, but it's definitely not the preferred way.  Some dangers.. .

* When a button with Method->"Queued" is pressed, Mathematica remains full
responsive, including to Dynamic computations and to presses of buttons with
Method->"Preemptive" (the default).  When a button with Method->"Preemptive " is
pressed, it can freeze responsiveness.  If such a button would take a long time
to respond, then you risk hanging all of Mathematica until it finishes.

* This setting is a global setting which covers all Dynamics and preemptive
buttons, and it's what allows you to recover gracefully when developing such
code and something goes astray (which happens even to the best of us).  So it's
probably best not to set it to such a huge number.


John Fultz
jfultz at
User Interface Group
Wolfram Research, Inc.

On Mon, 19 Apr 2010 06:49:18 -0400 (EDT), Chris Degnen wrote:
> Another way to avoid the time-out limit is to run this on
> initialisation:
> SetOptions[$FrontEnd, DynamicEvaluationTimeout -> 5000];
> On 19 Apr, 07:49, Gehrmann <jim.gehrm... at> wrote:
>> I am using Mathematica 7 to analyze a large data set and have written
>> a program which runs successfully when invoked as follows:
>> analyzer["C:\\mdtp\\Jim\\Data\\Data\\Field07Aout.txt", "abc", "All",
>> "All", "-9", "PT", "-9", "CC", "EQ", "1", "1", "No", "{1}"];
>> However, I would like to create a button notebook which allows the
>> user to change parameters and push a button once the desired
>> parameters have been chosen.  I've tried the following statements:
>> Get["C:\\mdtp\\currentparameters.txt"];  (*reads the same parameters
>> used above from a file*)
>> Button["Click Here to Produce Summary and Question Analyses",
>> analyzer[testnamex, sourcenm, specification, selecteddatnm,
>> posttestcorr, posttestnm, coursecorr, coursecorrnm, equator,
>> ToExpression[alph], ToExpression[bet], graffile, qtoshow]]
>> which displays a button--on pushing the button the analyzer routine is
>> invoked but doesn't complete--no error message is displayed.  I
>> believe that this button approach is exceeding some time or memory
>> limit but haven't been able to determine which in order to make the
>> button invocation method work.  I would appreciate any help on this.
>> Thanks.

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