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Re: Kernel crash, version 7.0, windows XP, when using slider in Manipulate with Dynamics plot on control area

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg109400] Re: Kernel crash, version 7.0, windows XP, when using slider in Manipulate with Dynamics plot on control area
  • From: "Nasser M. Abbasi" <nma at>
  • Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2010 06:24:45 -0400 (EDT)

Thanks for trying it Bob;

I do NOT get the crash when I edit the control label directly as you 
described. Interesting.

The crash happens only when I open the animation controls by clicking on the 
"+" to the right of the control and type in a number such as 1 in the little 
white input field, then move the mouse and click on another control.

As I said earlier in an email, this problem went away when I use 
SynchronousUpdating -> True. Kernel does not crash any more. Only when 
SynchronousUpdating -> False, and using Dynamic Plot inside the control 
variable area, that this crash happens.


it is called filter_v9.nb

The fixed file is called filter_v10.nb

XP, SP2, Mathematica version 7


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bob Hanlon" <hanlonr at>
To: "Nasser M. Abbasi" <nma at>; <mathgroup at>
Sent: Saturday, April 24, 2010 5:53 AM
Subject: [mg109400] Re: [mg109385] Kernel crash, version 7.0, windows XP, when using 
slider in Manipulate with Dynamics plot on control area

> I have version 7.0.1 on a Mac
> $Version
> 7.0 for Mac OS X x86 (64-bit) (February 19, 2009)
> I do not get this behavior. Do you get the same problem by changing the 
> control label (small number in the gray area just to the right of the 
> control)?
> Bob Hanlon
> ---- "Nasser M. Abbasi" <nma at> wrote:
> =============
> Hi;
> I was wondering if someone has a real Mathematica debugger that they could
> use to help me find where this bug is? I do standard mathematica.
> I spend the last 6 hrs on this, and can't find the problem. I do not have 
> a
> debugger, so it is impossible to find where the bug is since it is a 
> kernel
> crash and I do not see what I am doing wrong.  One thing I know is that if 
> I
> all the Epilog code in the code, the problem goes away.
> This is the problem:
> I have a manipulate, with a plot being drawn using Dynamics in the control
> area. The plots uses control variables.
> When I enter a value of a control variable using the slider (i.e. normal
> method) there is no problem. no crash, even though the slider goes over 
> the
> same input value which will cause a crash when I enter this input as
> follows:
> I open the slider by clicking open on the small "+" next to the slider, 
> and
> type in a numerical value, the kernel crashes.
> For example, There is a control variable called zeta in the program. When 
> I
> move the slider  no crash happens. When I open the slider window and type 
> in
> a value then the crash happens. The strange thing, if I type in   "1"
> instead of "1.0" then it will crash, but if I type "1." no crash is seen
> (i.e. add a decimal point !)
> I have a screen shot here to help you see the problem:
> And the notebook is in the same folder, here:
> it is called filter_v9.nb
> All what you have to do just download the notebook, open it in 
> Mathematica,
> open the slider input area just like shown in the above image, and type in 
> 1
> Next, simply hit any other control with the mouse to activate, now the
> kernel will crash.
> As I said, if I type 1. instead of 1 (i.e. with a decimal point), the
> problem does not happen.
> Any one has version 7.0.1? does the problem happens with it also?
> Thank you,
> --Nasser

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