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Re: Combine these displays

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg111628] Re: Combine these displays
  • From: Bill Rowe <readnews at>
  • Date: Sun, 8 Aug 2010 07:20:33 -0400 (EDT)

On 8/7/10 at 6:21 AM, stevebg at ROADRUNNER.COM (S. B. Gray) wrote:

>dots = {13.450, 8.1090, -5.398, -6.511, -9.7456, 7.903, -8.392,
>-5.989, -4.612, 3.614, -8.564, -6.598, -6.794, -8.898, 7.082};

>histo = {0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 79, 372, 2016, 4354, 2350, 776, 47, 0, 0,


>Print[ColumnForm[Subsets[Range[vertL], {2}]],
>PaddedForm[ColumnForm[dots], {5, 3}]];

>ListPlot[histo, Filling -> Axis, FillingStyle -> Blue,
>ImageSize -> 200]

>I would like to have both the Print and the ListPlot side-by-side. I
>have tried various ways but the vertical middle of the ListPlot is
>aligned vertically with the first line of the Print, not what I

>I'm pretty sure there's a way to do this,but ???

How about

Grid[{{ListPlot[histo, Filling -> Axis, FillingStyle -> Blue,
     ImageSize -> 400], ColumnForm[Subsets[Range[vertL], {2}]],
    PaddedForm[ColumnForm[dots], {5, 3}]}},
  Alignment -> {Center, Center}]

I increased ImageSize from 200 to 400 so that the plot would be
approximately the same height as the column of data.

>Second question: how can I easily convert this:

>dots = {13.450267077799438`,
>8.109055556963629`, -5.398346580982599`, -6.511327150093379`, \
>7.903094720434787`, -8.392664097832405`, -5.9892576996334`, \
>3.6149284469532583`, -8.564611182475591`, -6.598329965767091`, \
>-6.794209914139243`, -8.89863831014673`, 7.082991529239999`}

>to this?

>dots = {13.450, 8.1090`, -5.398, -6.511, -9.7456, 7.903, -8.392,
>-5.989, -4.612, 3.614, -8.564, -6.598, -6.794, -8.898, 7.082};

In[15]:= Round[dots, .001]

Out[15]= {13.45,8.109,-5.398,-6.511,-9.746,7.903,-8.393,-5.989,-4.613,3.6=

Note, Round changes the values. If you desire is to change the
display but not the values use NumberForm or set your
preferences to display the number of digits you like. This last
can be done by clicking on the Appearance tab then the Numbers
tab in the preferences dialog and then setting things to suit
your preferences.

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