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Repost - help with list manipulation

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg111789] Repost - help with list manipulation
  • From: navillus5 <skelligs at>
  • Date: Fri, 13 Aug 2010 06:56:30 -0400 (EDT)

Hi -

This is my first post. I am a long time mathematica user, but I still
end up getting stuck on some things...

I have used the Table function to generate output from the Solve
function for a range of values...

case1 = Table[sol3 = Solve[{ f == m*a, -M + f*r == I*b, a == b*r},
{f,a, b}], {M, 1, 17}];

I then use a replacement rule to extract a list of one of variables

f = f /. case1

This generates a list, but I end up with double {{ and I can not
figure out how to get from here to a 1-D list such that I could use
ListPlot, etc...

{{5.71429}, {11.4286}, {17.1429}, {22.8571}, {28.5714}, {34.2857},
{40.}, {45.7143}, {51.4286}, {57.1429}, {62.8571}, {68.5714},
{74.2857}, {80.}, {85.7143}, {91.4286}, {97.1429}}

I ideally want to generate three plots f(M), a(M), b(M) - I have all
the data, but I am just not able to get it into the right format

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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