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Saving data with notebook

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg111888] Saving data with notebook
  • From: "Kent A. Vander Velden" <kent.vandervelden at>
  • Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2010 01:21:18 -0400 (EDT)

My routine is typically to Import[] data into Mathematica (often multiple
files), perform some manipulation, and plot the results. I'd like to be able
to use the Mathematica notebook as the archive of the raw data, analysis,
and results. To do this, I'd like to save the contents of some if not all
the variables associated with a notebook, preferably into the notebook. I've
searched for methods to do this and the only thing I've found is to print
the contents of variable and reformat this to form an assignment that can be
save with the notebook. This is not so great in my case as often the input
data is several 100 megabytes. I suspect this is a common need and I'm
curious how other handle it. I'm probably overlooking an obvious option.

Thank you

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