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Re: Launch kernel and packages from Mac OS's launchd utility

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg111967] Re: Launch kernel and packages from Mac OS's launchd utility
  • From: Nate Dudenhoeffer <ndudenhoeffer at>
  • Date: Sun, 22 Aug 2010 08:10:49 -0400 (EDT)


try putting your launch syntax in an executable shell script, then run the
shell script from launchd.

Make a text file with contents like:
/Applications/ -run "<<

Save it as

>From terminal make it executable:
chmod +x Path.../

Hope this helps.


On Sat, Aug 21, 2010 at 3:17 AM, Garapata <warsaw95826 at> wrote:

> This question follows up on an earlier one where I needed to find out
> how to launch the Mathematica kernel and a package from the command
> line on a Mac.
> (See:
> )
> The required syntax for the command line looks something like this:
> /Applications/ -run "<</
> Path.../myAutoRun.m"
> myAutoRun.m has initialized cells that do some stuff and then quit the
> kernel.  Works fine.
> For my next step, I'd like to run the kernel and myAutoRun.m from a
> Mac's "launchd" utility and set it up to launch and run the package at
> specific intervals automatically without further human participation.
> Apple created launched to integrate a bunch of UNIX utilities like
> cron.
> Ostensibly, one can use it to launch daemons, process, and programs
> from a launchd "property list", basically an XML file that the system
> runs at startup.
> So, following Apple's documentation something like this ought to work:
>  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC -//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN
> >
>  <plist version="1.0">
>  <dict>
> <key>Label</key>
> <string>myAutoRun test</string>
> <key>Program</key>
> <string>//Applications/</
> string>
> <key>ProgramArguments</key>
> <array>
> <string>MathKernel</string>
> <string>  -run </string>
> <string>  "<</path/myAutoRun.m"</string>
> </array>
> <key>StartIntervall</key>
>  <integer>3600</integer>
>  </dict>
>  </plist>
> The stuff between  <dict> and  </dict> does the specific work.
> The section:
> <key>ProgramArguments</key>
> <array>
> <string>MathKernel</string>
> <string>  -run </string>
> <string>  "<</path/myAutoRun.m"</string>
> </array>
> identifies what to run (apparently, with launchd one can't put the
> entire command on a single line like you can from a cmd prompt, hence
> the array).
> and finally the StartInterval section should launch the kernel and run
> the package every 3600 seconds (each hour)
> Looks good in theory, but it seems launchd doesn't know what to do
> with the Mathematica command:
> <string>  "<</path/myAutoRun.m"</string>
> following the -run option.
> I've started trying to use:
> -initfile " file"
> which the documentation mentions, but doesn't discuss in detail (that
> I've found).  I think it should "execute the  commands in the
> initialization file, ' file'  during startup".
> Sorry for the long winded explanation.
> Now,  a number of questions.
> Can I get launchd to launch the kernel and run the package?
> How do I do it?
> Does a better approach exist?
> If anyone can offer general insight or guidelines for auto running
> packages and the issues involved, that would help a lot.
> Thanks to all.
> G

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