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parallel table

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg107258] parallel table
  • From: "Very Bad Mother..." <shinytinkerbell at>
  • Date: Sun, 7 Feb 2010 06:11:58 -0500 (EST)

I would like to create a "film" from the numerical data that I got.
Hence, I've created a table of plots and then by exporting to gif I
can observe the dynamics. The problem is that I'd like to have many
plots inside this table (many frames of my film, so to say) and it
takes a hell of a time. This is why I thought about making this
parallel (got 8 cores). I've used ParallelTable but there are some
errors occuring:

DensityGraphicsTable =
   ListDensityPlot[ToExpression["Psit" <> ToString[j - 1]],
    FrameLabel -> {"m", "z"},
    LabelStyle -> {FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> 12},
    PlotRange -> All, PlotLabel -> "t=" <> ToString[dt*(j - 1)]], {j,
    1, tmax, tstep}];

ListDensityPlot::arrayerr: Psit0 must be a valid array.
ListDensityPlot::arrayerr: Psit250000 must be a valid array.
ListDensityPlot::arrayerr: Psit500000 must be a valid array.
ListDensityPlot::arrayerr: Psit750000 must be a valid array.
ListDensityPlot::arrayerr: Psit1000000 must be a valid array.
ListDensityPlot::arrayerr: Psit1250000 must be a valid array.
ListDensityPlot::arrayerr: Psit1500000 must be a valid array.
ListDensityPlot::arrayerr: Psit1750000 must be a valid array.
ListDensityPlot::arrayerr: Psit50000 must be a valid array.
ListDensityPlot::arrayerr: Psit300000 must be a valid array.
ListDensityPlot::arrayerr: Psit550000 must be a valid array.
ListDensityPlot::arrayerr: Psit800000 must be a valid array.
ListDensityPlot::arrayerr: Psit1050000 must be a valid array.
ListDensityPlot::arrayerr: Psit1300000 must be a valid array.
ListDensityPlot::arrayerr: Psit1550000 must be a valid array.
ListDensityPlot::arrayerr: Psit1800000 must be a valid array.
ListDensityPlot::arrayerr: Psit100000 must be a valid array.
ListDensityPlot::arrayerr: Psit350000 must be a valid array.
ListDensityPlot::arrayerr: Psit600000 must be a valid array.
ListDensityPlot::arrayerr: Psit850000 must be a valid array.
ListDensityPlot::arrayerr: Psit1100000 must be a valid array.
ListDensityPlot::arrayerr: Psit1350000 must be a valid array.
ListDensityPlot::arrayerr: Psit1600000 must be a valid array.
ListDensityPlot::arrayerr: Psit1850000 must be a valid array.

General::stop: Further output of ListDensityPlot::arrayerr will be
suppressed during this calculation.
General::stop: Further output of ListDensityPlot::arrayerr will be
suppressed during this calculation.
General::stop: Further output of ListDensityPlot::arrayerr will be
suppressed during this calculation.
General::stop: Further output of ListDensityPlot::arrayerr will be
suppressed during this calculation.
General::stop: Further output of ListDensityPlot::arrayerr will be
suppressed during this calculation.
General::stop: Further output of ListDensityPlot::arrayerr will be
suppressed during this calculation.
General::stop: Further output of ListDensityPlot::arrayerr will be
suppressed during this calculation.
General::stop: Further output of ListDensityPlot::arrayerr will be
suppressed during this calculation.

So I don't know what to do, especially that when I use regular Table
instead of ParallelTable, everything works (but it takes damn long
Any help would be appreciated,

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