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some question about "FourierTransform"

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg107630] some question about "FourierTransform"
  • From: 山内 一郎 <ichiro at>
  • Date: Sat, 20 Feb 2010 06:38:22 -0500 (EST)

I am a user of both Mathematica ver 4 and 7   On ver 4, "PrincipalValue->True" is recognized and works fine for "FourierTransform".  But on ver 7, this seems to be no longer recognized  (But it looks doing something compared to evaluation without "PrincipalValue->True",  though not satisfactory)   For the purpose to get simply a Plot (Complex), I know using "NFourierTransform" is easier and faster   But I need to apply further calculation  to the product I get  by "FourierTransform"    Expression I want to apply "FourierTransform" is following ;

  Exp[-(x^2)/2 +I*(1-Sin[3*x])/2]

It looks Sin[3*x] makes Evaluation a little complex   Is there any substitute Option available on ver 7 in place of "PrincipalValue->True" ?   Your advise will be highly appreciated

I Yamauchi

Osaka Japan

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