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Re: Uninstalling/Reinstalling Mathematica 7?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg106138] Re: Uninstalling/Reinstalling Mathematica 7?
  • From: richard i pelletier <bitbucket at>
  • Date: Sat, 2 Jan 2010 05:07:30 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <hhkj1l$4u1$>

In article <hhkj1l$4u1$1 at>, AES <siegman at> 

> I need to repair, restore, or reinstall the default "Default" stylesheet 
> in my copy of Mathematica 7.0.1 on a single-user 2008-vintage MacBook 
> running 10.4.11.  
> (I apparently screwed it up big time trying to edit it.)
> I have the registered and licensed master Single-User CD used for the 
> current installation, and am thinking the easiest approach might be just 
> a full uninstall and clean reinstall of the entire v7 app -- but can't 
> find any clear discussion of how to do this anywhere in the 
> documentation.  
> (There's discussion of installing the latest version over *earlier* 
> versions -- but nothing on uninstalling the current app, or installing  
> over the same current version already installed.)
> Or could I find that stylesheet on the CD itself, and just copy it over?
> Thanks for any advice.

my experience with a related issue suggests that you can indeed simply 
put a clean copy of the default stylesheet into the installed package. 
(I do something related: I edit every time i get a new one, 
so that cmd-u gets me underlined text.)

on my macbook, i get to those things by using control click on the 
mathematica package to get the contextual menu item "show package 
contents" ­ which displays the mathematica package as an ordinary 
folder. moving down thru system files ... front end ... stylesheets gets 
me to the folder containing, among other things, default.nb . (and i 
believe that _is_ what you want to replace.)

I do not have a CD, but if I double-click the dmg file, after it 
expands, instead of dragging the mathematica icon to the applications 
folder, i can do ­ i just verified ­ exactly the same thing to get to 
default.nb on the mounted disk image. i stopped short of doing a copy, 
but i was in the appropriate subfolder and would be shocked discover 
that i could not have actually done the copy.


email address is r i p 1 AT c o m c a s t DOT n e t

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