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Contour integral around z_infinity != negative around origin ?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg106586] Contour integral around z_infinity != negative around origin ?
  • From: Vince Virgilio <blueschi at>
  • Date: Sun, 17 Jan 2010 07:11:51 -0500 (EST)

If I recall grad school correctly, the contour integral of f around
z_infinity is not simply the negative of the contour integral of f
around the origin. I never understood why not. I don't think I could
pose the question to Mathematica properly, anytime soon. So I thought
I'd bring it to this list. Would someone formulate these two contour
integrals as Mathematica expressions, and attempt to draw an equality
between the two? I'd be curious to see how Mathematica takes it.

If this is nonsense, just leave it in wonderland.


Vince Virgilio

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