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Re: Displaying a table

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg110105] Re: Displaying a table
  • From: Murray Eisenberg <murray at>
  • Date: Wed, 2 Jun 2010 02:04:26 -0400 (EDT)

First, I don't see what using subx has to do with this: You simply are 
forming a square table of a fixed sizelength, which in your case is 6 by 
6. So just:

   circorr = Table[0, {6}, {6}];
   circorr[[2, 5]] = 6;
   circorr[[3, 4]] = 8;

Second, in the example shown, I don't see any decimals; none of the 
numbers shown are approximate. If you're getting numbers that ought to 
be integers but have a trailing decimal, you could use Rationalize on them.

Third, here's a way to conditionally replace any entry that's positive 
with a bold-face styling; for emphasis, I've also changed the font size.

Step 1. Define a (delayed) rule that replaces anything positive with the 
styled version of it:

   whenPositive = x_?Positive :> Style[x, 18, Bold]

Step 2. Use that on the table, as is or inside TableForm:

   circorr /. whenPositive
   TableForm[circorr /. whenPositive]

Or do the same thing with Grid, where you have probably finer control 
over spacing than you can do with Table (although where you'll need to 
explicitly adjoin any needed rows or columns for table headings):

   Grid[circorr /. whenPositive]

On 6/1/2010 4:22 AM, S. B. Gray wrote:
> I need to display the subx table as shown, with no decimal points or {}
> and with some spaces between columns. Some entries will be nonzero and
> it would be nice to show them in boldface. I tried Style with Positive
> but didn't succeed. This method works but there must be a better way.
> subx = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};              (* this is an example *)
> lenx = Length[subx];
> circorr = Table[0, {lenx}, {lenx}];
> circorr[[2, 5]] = 6;
> circorr[[3, 4]] = 8;                    (* Only examples. *)
> ts1 = ToString[circorr];
> ts1 = StringReplace[ts1, ", " ->  "   "];
> ts1 = StringReplace[ts1, "{" ->  ""];
> ts1 = StringReplace[ts1, "}" ->  "\r"];  (* To print>0 in Bold? *)
> Print["   ", TableForm[ts1]]            (* which gives this: *)
>      0   0   0   0   0   0
>      0   0   0   0   6   0
>      0   0   0   8   0   0
>      0   0   0   0   0   0
>      0   0   0   0   0   0
>      0   0   0   0   0   0
> Thanks to everyone for past and present help.
> Steve Gray

Murray Eisenberg                     murrayeisenberg at
80 Fearing Street                    phone 413 549-1020 (H)
Amherst, MA 01002-1912

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