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Re: SendMail under Mac OS X

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg110218] Re: SendMail under Mac OS X
  • From: "Lambert Chao" <lambertc at>
  • Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2010 07:19:07 -0400 (EDT)

Hi Luis,

This problem occurs with SendMail because of an issue Apple introduced with
Java for Mac OS X 10.6 Update 1.  It also affects Import from https sites in

Updating to the latest Java for Mac OS X 10.6 Update 2 should address the


Lambert Chao
lambertc at
Software Technology
Wolfram Research, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: l-mathgroup-bounces at
[mailto:l-mathgroup-bounces at] On Behalf Of telefunkenvf14
Sent: Sunday, June 06, 2010 5:42 AM
To: mathgroup at
Subject: [mg110218] [mg110176] Re: SendMail under Mac OS X

On Jun 5, 6:31 am, Luis <lgmen... at> wrote:
> Dear all,
> In my laptop running Mac OS X (10.6.3) I can not send an email using
> the function SendMail  (under Linux operative system the code works)
> Mathematica version 7.0 1.0:
> SendMail["To" -> "x... at",
>  "Subject" -> "GMail Test Message",
>  "Body" -> "Test email sent via GMail.",
>  "From" -> "x... at", "Server" -> "",
>  "PortNumber" -> 587, "EncryptionProtocol" -> "StartTLS",
>  "UserName" -> "x... at", "Password" -> Automatic]
> Output-> SendMail::"msgerr" :  "
> StyleBox[\"\\\"\<Mathematica received an unexpected response during
> message \
> transport.\>\\\"\", \"MT\"]     ButtonBox["",
> Appearance->{Automatic, None},
> BaseStyle->"Link",
> ButtonData:>"paclet:ref/SendMail",
> ButtonNote->"SendMail::msgerr"] "
> Any suggestion?
> All my best,
> Luis

I'm on Windowz (not sure if that matters or not). Here are three
guesses: (third is probably the best)

1. Open up 'preferences' -> 'internet connectivity' -> 'proxy
settings' and then play around with the options available. You might
also try 'Test Internet Connectivity' to see if Mathematica is being blocked

2. Another idea: try changing StartTLS to TLS. (more of a wild guess---
I actually use Gmail too, and happen to know StartTLS works for me,
but maybe something is different on Mac).

3. Finally, I would recommend configuring as much of the mail/server
info as possible in the 'preferences' -> 'internet connectivity' ->
'mail settings'. I actually had my students send me email messages and
SMS messages and I replied to their phones. I seem to recall students
having trouble if these settings weren't filled out or were in
conflict with any options explicitly used in code (as you seem to be
doing above, with the port number, encryption settings, etc.)


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