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Re: solving equations

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg108553] Re: solving equations
  • From: "Sjoerd C. de Vries" <sjoerd.c.devries at>
  • Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2010 04:22:42 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <hnss1l$5pj$> <hnv9k3$7ua$>


If you change the code as I described Mathematica reads infinity
(actually Infinity with a capital I) just fine, i.e. as a 'value' and
not as a string.

Simplify[var,Infinity] yields var as an answer, so it seems
Mathematica knows some transformation rules for Min, but it doesn't
seem to use this knowledge in situations as

Solve[{b == Min[c, d], d == Infinity}, {b}, {d}].

But even if it did, you would have problems solving the equations.
Your set contains, for instance,

consumerOinputPOTP ==  Min[consumerOoutputPOTP, consumerOTP],

where consumerOTP is not defined. (read a bullet for  'O')

If I ask you what the minimum of x and 5 is without specifying x, what
would you respond?

Cheers -- Sjoerd

On Mar 22, 9:46 am, Maria Davis <arbi... at> wrote:
> > The Min of two unspecified variables cannot be reduced. Adding that
> > one of them equals Infinity doesn't help. The other might be the same.
> Hi Sjoerd;
> Thank you for your help.
> The equations presented in the file are the result of another
> software, I know that they contain much redunduncy, but I must resolve th=
> For example, the given equations are:
> a=Min(c, d)
> c=infinity
> I want mathematica to solve the system above and returns a=d
> I don't understand why "Min" can not be reduced, so, please, is there
> any solution?
> I have also noticed that the term infinity is not understood as a
> value but as a string.
> Please I need your help.
> Thank you.

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