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Re: Managing packages in the workbench

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg108683] Re: Managing packages in the workbench
  • From: "David Park" <djmpark at>
  • Date: Sat, 27 Mar 2010 05:10:42 -0500 (EST)

It's a bit difficult to understand why you are choosing to implement your
application in a non-standard manner and to put everything in non-standard
places. There are certain advantages to putting an application in the
standard place with the standard structure  - chief among these being that
it just works. Having to implement many special settings that seem to be
fuzzily documented in Workbench is putting serious obstacles in your path
while you are trying to learn the basic operations.

In any case, if it is really necessary to use such a non-standard structure
WRI should give you more direct help and not just leave it to everyone to

How many packages do you have in the application and how involved is the
directory structure? Would it be that bad to flatten out the structure? It
may be possible to keep the structure in Workbench. You can right-click on
the project and choose Properties. Then choose Mathematica/Project Paths.
Then use the Source tab and the Add button. You should be able to add all of
the folders that contain package files. I haven't tried this and don't know
how it works, or if it carries through to the deployed application, or even
if "Source" refers to packages or other things.

There may also be methods to tell Mathematica where to look for your
application. But if this involves setting additional system path locations
with Options Inspector, then any users of your application will also have to
be instructed how to do this. And then actually getting them to do it will
be a bit of a chore.

Again, what is the advantage of moving the application away from
$UserBaseDirectory/Applications. In that location Mathematica will
automatically find it. It will appear on the Installed Add-Ons page, where a
user can bring up the documentation and load the package. A Mathematica
Search will automatically find the files and include them on the search
results, even if the package is not loaded. There are all kinds of nice
things, and I don't know how well they hold up once you move to special
structures and locations.

Why don't you want the documentation incorporated with the application at
the standard place? Do you mean you want to move it out of the application?
The paclet goes with the application. They will have the same name. Even if
you  have multiple packages in the application, their exported symbols are
flattened out into one paclet.

If there is a persuasive argument for a non-standard structure, which I
haven't heard yet, then WRI should tell you how it can be implemented. Or
they should tell you that it can't be implemented, which would save a lot of

David Park
djmpark at 

From: H. Ke=DFler [mailto:kessler.hannes at]

My primary problem is that I would like to create help pages of
Mathematica packages stored in directories which are not at the top
level of my private Mathematica Applications directory. The Workbench
creates hyperlinked help pages for such packages which work inside the
Workbench but not when exported to the corresponding subdirectory of
the Mathematica Applications directory. I checked the example you
provided on your homepage (
m_documentation/m_documentation.html). But it seems that this example
also deals with help pages for a package in a directory which is on
the top level of the Mathematica Applications directory. If I am
wrong, please correct me. But I would really appreciate if you can
provide more details how to deal with packages in in deeper
subdirectories of the Mathematica Applications directory, no matter of
using the Workbench or some other approach.

Best regards,
Hannes Kessler

On 25 Mrz., 10:25, David Bailey <d... at> wrote:
> Hannes Kessler wrote:
> > However, I have all my packages (many) in a logical hierarchical
> > directory structure in the private Applications folder. It works fine
> > in Mathematica. Rearranging this package system to a plain directory
> > structure requires a lot of package context editing and a lot of time.
> > That's my problem. In addition, much of the order is lost. For this
> > reason I was hoping that it is possible to add help files to the
> > package system in its present order.
> Perhaps the most obvious question is, why do you want to use the
> Workbench - there may be other ways to achieve what you want to do!
> I too have things set up to my taste, and I don't want to change the way
> I work to suit the Workbench.
> David Bailey

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