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Re: Weighted graphs with sum of weights determining vertex placement?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg112140] Re: Weighted graphs with sum of weights determining vertex placement?
  • From: Luci Ellis <luci at>
  • Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2010 02:29:45 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <i5idqu$jtl$> <i5l9t5$7ki$>

Thanks Sjoerd,
This was a really good suggestion. It turns out, though, that some of 
the lesser-known options to the function do the trick, namely the 
"RepulsiveForcePower" and "StepLength" suboptions to  Method -> 
"SpringElectricalEmbedding" .
Using a construction like the below gave good results for q = -0.6 and 
r = 1.4. NB you get both arrows, on top of one another, using 
DirectedEdges -> True, MultiedgeStyle -> False.

 GraphPlot[rawnums, DirectedEdges -> True, MultiedgeStyle -> False,
  VertexRenderingFunction -> ({White, EdgeForm[Black], Disk[#, .04],
      Black, Text[names[[#2]], #1]} &),
  EdgeRenderingFunction -> (With[{relexp = (rawnums[[#2[[1]], #2[[
            2]]]])/100}, {AbsoluteThickness[relexp*20.],
       RGBColor[relexp*0.8, relexp*0.8, relexp*0.8],
       Arrowheads[0.06 relexp + 0.008], Arrow[#1, 0.05]}] &),
  VertexLabeling -> True, ImageSize -> 500,
  PlotLabel -> Style["Plot Heading", Bold, 14, FontFamily -> "Arial"],
   ImagePadding -> 0, PlotRange -> All, PlotRangePadding -> 0.02,
  Method -> {"SpringElectricalEmbedding", "RepulsiveForcePower" -> q,
    "StepLength" -> r}], {q, -4, -0.01}, {r, 1., 5.}]

This function might come in handy for some purposes. I used it to 
verify that you get the same result for adjacency matrices  as for 
lists of rules, and regardless of whether you actually show all the 

AdjacencyMatrixToRules[mat_?MatrixQ] /; Equal @@ Dimensions[mat] :=
 With[{n = Length[mat]},
  Flatten@(Join @@ Table[Table[i -> j, {mat[[i, j]]}], {i, n}, {j, n}])

Hope that helps.

Best regards,

On 2010-09-01 20:28:53 +1000, Sjoerd C. de Vries said:

> With the total weigths in the list sums (sums = Total /@ rawnums)  I
> suppose various constructions like
> VertexCoordinateRules -> ((Max[sums] - sums) ({Cos[#], Sin[#]} & /@
>      Table[i, {i, 0, 2 \[Pi] - 2 \[Pi]/8, 2 \[Pi]/8}]))
> or
> VertexCoordinateRules -> ((8 -
>      Ordering[Ordering[sums]]) ({Cos[#], Sin[#]} & /@
>      Table[i, {i, 0, 2 \[Pi] - 2 \[Pi]/8, 2 \[Pi]/8}]))
> may meet your needs.
> Cheers -- Sjoerd
> On Aug 31, 10:17 am, Luci Ellis <l... at> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> Suppose I have a weighted adjacency matrix like this:
>> rawnums={{0, 43, 25, 70, 92, 75, 83, 69}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2}, {6,
>> 28, 0, 1, 0,
>> 3, 0, 3}, {26, 1, 2, 0, 4, 1, 7, 14}, {0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0}, {7, 1=
> 8, 60,
>> 0, 1, 0, 2, 10}, {49, 2, 2, 6, 3, 7, 0, 1}, {12, 5, 10, 23, 0, 13, 7,=
>  0}}
>> Some vertex labels:
>> names = ToString /@ Range[8]
>> And some code to create a graph with edge thickness based on the
>> weights, like this:
>> GraphPlot[Sign[rawnums], DirectedEdges -> True, MultiedgeStyle -> True,
>> VertexRenderingFunction -> ({White, EdgeForm[Black], Disk[#, .04], Bla=
> ck,
>> Text[names[[#2]], #1]} &),
>> EdgeRenderingFunction -> (With[{relexp = (rawnums[[#2[[1]], #2[[2]]]=
> ])/
>> 100}, {AbsoluteThickness[relexp*20.],
>> RGBColor[relexp*0.8, relexp*0.8, relexp*0.8],
>> Arrowheads[0.06 relexp + 0.008], Arrow[#1, 0.05]}] &),
>> VertexLabeling -> True, ImageSize -> 500,
>> ImagePadding -> 0, PlotRange -> All, PlotRangePadding -> 0.02]
>> How do I get the vertices with the highest total weights (in this case
>> the sum of each row, since all the columns sum to 100), to sit in the
>> centre of the graph, with the less connected / lower-weighted vertices
>> at the periphery? I have tried all the alternatives in the Method
>> option. VertexCoordinateRules should do the trick, but I have no idea
>> how to specify those rules according to the weights.
>> Any suggestions? I am not a graph theorist so this is new to me.
>> Best regards,
>> Luci

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