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Re: OpenCLQ failing

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg120690] Re: OpenCLQ failing
  • From: Nile <thrasher300 at>
  • Date: Wed, 3 Aug 2011 19:20:48 -0400 (EDT)
  • Delivered-to:

I found why, it happens because the new drivers changed a variable and some file name. taken from another forum:

This problem occurs for two reasons, both due the renaming of the AMD
Stream SDK to the AMD APP SDK. The AMD Stream SDK 2.3 (distributed
with Catalyst 11.2) is, to my knowledge, the last one that will work
with Mathematica without any changes. However, if you wish to use a
newer version, the issues in question and their solutions are:

1. AMD changed the name of the environment variable ATISTREAMSDKROOT
   (which Mathematica looks for) to AMDAPPSDKROOT. To solve this, add
   a new environment variable ATISTREAMSDKROOT with value

2. AMD changed the name and location of the OpenCL DLL. It used to be
   %ATISTREAMSDKROOT%\bin\x86{_64}\atiocl{64}.dll, but now is
   %SYSTEMROOT%\system32\OpenCL.dll. Simply copy OpenCL.dll into the
   old location (and under the old name) to fix this problem.

After correcting these issues you should get OpenCLQ[] := True.

Incidentally, the AMD APP SDK does not appear to be needed for
Mathematica; only the APP SDK Runtime (which comes with ATI Catalyst)
is seemingly required for OpenCLLink to work.

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