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I want a plot label that shows interactively the values of a

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg120853] I want a plot label that shows interactively the values of a
  • From: Massimiliano LANDI <landim at>
  • Date: Sat, 13 Aug 2011 06:47:36 -0400 (EDT)
  • Delivered-to:

Hello everyone

I am trying to add to a plot I created a text that shows the value of a variable, call it p2, that can be changed via Manipulate.

So I did:

Plot[....,Epilog->{Text[Style["p2=" p2, 18,   If[(A/(1 + B n) <= p2 <= (A + A n)/(1 + n + B n) &&  k == 2) || (p2 == 1 && k == 1), Red, Black],   Background -> LightGray]}],

The funny thing is that with this code, in the text label, the actual value of the variable appears before the text p2.

For example, when I set p2=10, the label in the graph becomes

10 p2 

whereas I would like to see

p2 = 10

Any help?

Thanks in advance

Massimiliano Landi

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