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Re: Odd glitch opening Mathematica notebook on a Mac

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg120854] Re: Odd glitch opening Mathematica notebook on a Mac
  • From: Joseph Gwinn <joegwinn at>
  • Date: Sat, 13 Aug 2011 06:47:48 -0400 (EDT)
  • Delivered-to:
  • References: <j22qit$gqs$>

In article <j22qit$gqs$1 at>, AES <siegman at> 

> I recently dragged some older Mathematica notebooks created maybe 
> three years ago out of their folders and onto my desktop to run them 
> once again.  
> Each time I try to open any of these notebooks on my current model 
> MacBook Pro running fully updated Snow Leopard and Mathematica 
>, I get a beep, and a "Why the Beep" window appears containing 
> a Mathematica icon and the message:
>      The file you tried to open was not found 
>       or could not be opened.                  [OK]
> . . . but fortunately, as soon as I click the OK button, the notebook 
> opens fine, and apparently operates fine.
> These notebooks have .nb extensions on their file names and show 
> Mathematica as their default app in Get Info.  I encounter the same 
> problem if I duplicate any of these notebook files (Cmd-D), or do a 
> Save As on them once they're open, and then dbl-click on the resulting 
> new file.  Ditto if I shut down and then restart Mathematica and then 
> Open the notebook from Mathematica's File menu.
> Creating a new notebook in Mathematica, then Copying and Pasting all 
> the cells from old notebook into the new one, does seem to solve the 
> problem.
> Any ideas as to why this happens?
> [I'd be unhappy to learn that this has something to do with my current 
> version of Mathematica 8 having a different activation code than the 
> earlier version 6 or 7 that I used to create these notebooks.]

I would be suspicious of cached and/or OBE output data in the notebook.  
I would make a copy of the notebook, and in the copy select delete all 
output and save.  Exit Matheamtica then open the newly saved copy, and
see if it makes any difference.

Joe Gwinn

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