Getting 3d printable models out of 3d graphics in Mathematica
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg120992] Getting 3d printable models out of 3d graphics in Mathematica
- From: Roger Bagula <roger.bagula at>
- Date: Sat, 20 Aug 2011 06:18:54 -0400 (EDT)
- Delivered-to:
Surfaces that appear fine in Mathematica aren't accepted to be printed by: ( *.obj,*.dxf,*.stl,...others) or need to be repaired at: I give an example of one that Mathematica 8 failed on yesterday from my old work TFTN: (* b=c=1 torus cycloid*) (* b=2,c=1 baseball seam *) (* by R. L. BAGULA 10 JULY 1997=A9 *) a:=10; b=2; c=3; Clear[f,g ] f[t_]=Cos[t]; g[t_]=Sin[t] ; gr=ParametricPlot3D[{f[t] f[p/b]-(a+g[t])*g[p/c], ((a+g[t])*f[p/c]+f[t] g[p/b]) f[p/b], ((a+g[t])*f[p/c]+f[t] g[p/b]) g[p/b]}, {t,0,2Pi}, {p,0,12 Pi}, PlotPoints->100,PlotStyle->{Orange,Specularity[White,10]},Axes- >None,Mesh->None,Boxed->False] Export["kleinbottle_angcycloid_2_3.stl", gr] But I have many examples. I want to know if there is some test I can do on a model using Mathematica? Brice and other ray tracing programs which don't have "physical" requirements have no trouble with Mathematica model. One well known artist has a whole series of work based on one of my model fractals. (* 128*6128*128 CUBE OF xy,yz,zx beta triangle 3D *) (* BY R. L. BAGULA 30 May 2004=A9*) a=64; b1 = Beta[Abs[a - Abs[a - x]], Abs[a - Abs[a - y]]] b2 = Beta[Abs[a - Abs[a - y]], Abs[a - Abs[a - z]]] b3 = Beta[Abs[a - Abs[a - x]], Abs[a - Abs[a - z]]] g=Flatten[Table[If[Mod[1/(b1*b2*b3),2]==1, Cuboid[0.5*{x,y,z}],{}], {x,0,2*a},{y,0,2*a},{z,0,2*a}]]; gg=Show[Graphics3D[g,Boxed->False,ViewPoint->{-3.059, 8.168, 2.221}]] Export["betaholeycube.stl", %] And after repair this was accepted for printing at: Roger Bagula