- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg121145] TransformedDistribution
- From: paulvonhippel at yahoo <paulvonhippel at>
- Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2011 06:05:13 -0400 (EDT)
- Delivered-to:
I am seeking the mean of a variable which includes the weighted sum of two chi-square variables. When I ask the question the obvious way (below), Mathematica takes a long time to return an unwieldy answer that is undefined for most values of n1 & n2. I'd be grateful if someone could suggest a more tractable way to pose the problem. Here's a simplified version of the problem: Mean[ TransformedDistribution[ Sqrt[\[FormalX]2 n2 + \[FormalX]1 n1 ], {\[FormalX]1 \[Distributed] ChiSquareDistribution[n1], \[FormalX]2 \[Distributed] ChiDistribution[n2]}]] And whatI really want to do is a little more complicated: TransformedDistribution[\[FormalX]2 Sqrt[((\[FormalX]3 + den) n + \[FormalX]1 Subscript[n, obs])/( den (-1 + n) n)] \[Sigma], {\[FormalX]1 \[Distributed] ChiSquareDistribution[1], \[FormalX]2 \[Distributed] ChiDistribution[-1 + Subscript[n, obs]], \[FormalX]3 \[Distributed] ChiSquareDistribution[-1 + Subscript[n, mis]]}]