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Re: TrustedPath

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg123501] Re: TrustedPath
  • From: David Reiss <dbreiss at>
  • Date: Fri, 9 Dec 2011 05:56:02 -0500 (EST)
  • Delivered-to:
  • References: <jbq47t$it1$>

Trusting is set for directories rather than particular files.  One
thing to do is to create a button that cause the trust for a
notebook's directory to be set.  Or alternatively, execute the needed
code automatically when some action is taken on a notebook -- e.g.,
via some event handler -- to execute the code.  A dialog will always
appear when that code is executed -- otherwise someone could insert
that code to subvert the trust process.  But, once it has run once on
a given machine, the trust will be set for all future uses of that
directory.  So, with that said, here is a bit of code from deep within that will add a notebook's
directory to the set of trusted directory paths.

Catch@Module[{securityOptions, dir, trustedPaths, unTrustedPaths,
   unTrustedPathsAsStrings, trustByDefault},

  General::WorkLifenottrusted =
   "The directory `1` is currently contained in the list of Untrusted
directories.  Please remove it from this list first before adding it \
to the list of Trusted directories.";

  General::WorkLifenodir = "The directory `1` does not exist.";

  dir = ToFileName[{CurrentValue["NotebookDirectory"]}];

  If[FileType[dir] =!= Directory,
   Throw[Message[General::WorkLifenodir, dir]; $Failed]];

  trustedPaths =
   CurrentValue[$FrontEnd, {"NotebookSecurityOptions",

  unTrustedPaths =
   CurrentValue[$FrontEnd, {"NotebookSecurityOptions",

  unTrustedPathsAsStrings = ToFileName[{#}] & /@ unTrustedPaths;

  trustByDefault =
   CurrentValue[$FrontEnd, {"NotebookSecurityOptions",

  If[MemberQ[unTrustedPathsAsStrings, dir],
   Throw[Message[General::WorkLifenottrusted, dir];
      "PreferencesSettings" -> {"Page" -> "System"}];

  trustedPaths =
   Union@Flatten[{trustedPaths, FrontEnd`FileName[{#}] &[dir]}];

  securityOptions = {
    "TrustedPath" -> trustedPaths,
    "UntrustedPath" -> unTrustedPaths,
    "TrustByDefault" -> trustByDefault};

   "NotebookSecurityOptions" -> securityOptions];


On the question of whether to place things on the Mac in the
application package....  if I understand this correctly this is the
CDFPlayer application itself.  If you add things there, then they will
be overwritten for each time you update the CDFPlayer.

I hope that this helps...


On Dec 8, 5:41 am, Tom De Vries <tidetable... at> wrote:
> Hello!
> I am wondering if someone can help with an obscure question.
> I am bundling together a large group of files using the CDF format.
> My students don't have Mathematica so I save the files in CDF format
> and the students use CDFPlayer to view them.
> I've found that the things that trigger the "This file contains
> potentially unsafe dynamic content" can be really simple.
> Linking to a Quicktime movie,   using File operations to open another
> notebook, etc.
> I completely understand the need for security, so I am happy Wolfram
> is making sure bad things don't happen.
> However...   this is going to drive my students crazy.
> The index I've created links many notebooks, and this message gets
> triggered often, and it becomes a pain.
> Since there are going to be many sets of notes,  it won't be like
> saying "Enable" once and then good to go.
> Each new time a file gets opened,  it's the same routine...
> I'm sorry that there isn't a setting in CDFPlayer that allows for a
> global.... "yes , I trust this collection of files".
> Fumbling around as I often do....,  I found a solution that works on a
> Mac, and wondering if PC users can chime in with something
> similar.....
> While running the CDFPlayer I found you could go to "About CDFPlayer",
>  ask for System Information, and digging around gave me some
> directories CDFPlayer trusts...
> One of those was the "application package".
> So, on a Mac,  I could open this package, give my permission to move
> in my set of lesson files, and bliss....
> Is this a reasonable solution?
> Can PC users do something similar?  I.E.  is there a simple place to
> put a set of TRUSTED FILES,   where they could  be opened and worked
> with without getting a warning all the time.
> And finally,   is there an easier way to do this?  I suspect, reading
> about textbook publishers and developers using CDF,  there must be
> some way to deal with this issue?
> Sorry for the obscure questions,  I'm hoping some other users have
> some advice about this.
> Sincerely,
> Tom

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