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  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg123807] TwoAxisListPlot
  • From: John <john.blackburn at>
  • Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2011 03:04:00 -0500 (EST)
  • Delivered-to:


I work with Mathematica and was trying to customise the code for TwoAxisDateListPlot but failed (original code see below...I got it from Wolfram support). Here is what I wanted to do:

I need to plot GDP against Exports for USA and Germany from 2007 to 2011 (all data is given in US-$). I chose GDP to be on the left-hand axes and Exports on the right-hand axes. Using TwoAxisDateListPlot works perfect, but: To compare the plots for USA and Germany with a blink of an eye it would be nice to have the same y-axis for both plots, like for example:

and {Min[Flatten[ExportUSA],ExportGermany]],Max[Flatten[ExportUSA],ExportGermany]]} 

Here is what I changed:

"TwoAxisDateListPlot[{data1_List, data2_List,PlotRange1_,PlotRange2_}
{d1mn, d1mx} = PlotRange1;
  {d2mn, d2mx} = PlotRange2;"

I suppose in addition that I need to change something in the following, but don't know what:

"rescl[num_] := Rescale[num, {d2mn, d2mx}, {d1mn, d1mx}];
  newdata = Transpose[{data2A[[All, 1]], rescl[#] & /@ d2vals}];
  {tcklocsM, tcklocsm} = FindDivisions[{d2mn, d2mx} + ((d2mx - d2mx) .05) {-1, 1}, {8,5}];"

I found a comparable solution but wasn't able to implement their approach to the original code:

By the way: Why should one implement "(d2mx - d2mx)" into code as it has always the value 0?

Best regards


Original code from Wolfram support:

TwoAxisDateListPlot[{data1_List, data2_List},opts : OptionsPattern[]] := 
Module[{pltopts, d2vals, d1mn, d1mx, d2mn, d2mx, newdata, rescl, 
   tcklocsm, tcklocsM, d2tcks,bttm= Options[DateListPlot[data1],FrameTicks][[1,2,2,1]],data1A,data2A},
  data1A=data1 /. {l_List, val_?NumericQ} :> {FromDate[l], val};
  data2A=data2 /. {l_List, val_?NumericQ} :> {FromDate[l], val};
  pltopts = 
   If[Select[{opts}, #[[1]] === PlotStyle &] === {}, 
    Join[{opts}, {FrameStyle -> {{ColorData[1][1], ColorData[1][2]}, 
    Join[{opts}, {FrameStyle -> {frameproc[opts], Automatic}}]];
  d2vals = data2[[All, 2]];
  {d1mn, d1mx} = 
  {Min[data1[[All, 2]]], 
     Max[data1[[All, 2]]]};
  {d2mn, d2mx} = {Min[d2vals], Max[d2vals]};
  rescl[num_] := Rescale[num, {d2mn, d2mx}, {d1mn, d1mx}];
  newdata = Transpose[{data2A[[All, 1]], rescl[#] & /@ d2vals}];
  {tcklocsM, tcklocsm} = FindDivisions[{d2mn, d2mx} + ((d2mx - d2mx) .05) {-1, 1}, {8, 
  d2tcks = 
       NumberForm[N[#2], {5, 2}], {0.00675`, 0.`}, {GrayLevel[0.`], 
        AbsoluteThickness[0.125`]}} &, {tcklocsM, 
      tcklocsM}], {rescl[#], 
       "", {0.00375`, 0.`}, {GrayLevel[0.`], 
        AbsoluteThickness[0.125`]}} & /@ (Flatten[
       tcklocsm[[All, 2 ;; -2]]])];
  ListPlot[{data1A, newdata}, 
  If[OptionValue[FrameTicks]===Automatic, FrameTicks -> {{Automatic, d2tcks}, {bttm, Automatic}}, 
   Evaluate@pltopts, Options[TwoAxisDateListPlot]]];

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