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  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg116138] Eliminate
  • From: Francisco Javier García Capitán <garciacapitan at>
  • Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2011 05:29:59 -0500 (EST)

Dear friends, how can I eliminate t from the equations

{x,y,z}=={(v + w) (b^2 v^4 - a^2 v^3 w + 3 b^2 v^3 w + c^2 v^3 w -  3 a^2
v^2 w^2 + 3 b^2 v^2 w^2 + 3 c^2 v^2 w^2 - a^2 v w^3 +
    b^2 v w^3 + 3 c^2 v w^3 + c^2 w^4),
 -w (-b^2 v^4 - 2 b^2 v^3 w - a^2 v w^3 + b^2 v w^3 + c^2 v w^3 + c^2 w^4),
-v (b^2 v^4 - a^2 v^3 w + b^2 v^3 w + c^2 v^3 w - 2 c^2 v w^3 - c^2 w^4)}

Many thanks

Francisco Javier Garc=EDa Capit=E1n

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