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Factor/Simplify complex expressions

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg116590] Factor/Simplify complex expressions
  • From: Enrique Fernández Perdomo <enrique.fernandez.perdomo at>
  • Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2011 04:20:19 -0500 (EST)


I have a complex expression, and I'm computing the first and second derivatives. They're very long expressions that can be factored/simplified. I've tried to do it with Factor, Simplify and even FullSimplify, as well as, substitution (./). However, the expressions are not simplified.
This is the function I'm working with:
1 - Tanh[(y - B[t] Cos[k (x - c t)])/Sqrt[1 + (k B[t] Sin[k (x - c t)])^2]]
where B[t] is a function:
B0+e Cos[w t + o]

What I'm looking for, is a method to factorized the resulting expressions (the partial derivatives, wrt x and y, of first and second order) efficiently. I need to code them in C/C++.
Thanks in advance for your reply.

Best regards,

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