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Re: Do I need MathLink to run finite-difference fast enough for Manipulate?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg115798] Re: Do I need MathLink to run finite-difference fast enough for Manipulate?
  • From: Oliver Ruebenkoenig <ruebenko at>
  • Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2011 04:30:31 -0500 (EST)

Hello James,

On Wed, 19 Jan 2011, James wrote:

> Hello guys,
> I would like to create a Manipulate for a finite-difference on a system
> of PDEs using a 100x100 array that is processed about 10,000 times.  Is
> it possible to code this in native Mathematica, for example using
> Compile, fast enough to be reasonably used by Manipulate (under 3 or 4
> seconds)?  The C++ code is below and with the Compiler set to optimize
> speed, it runs in approximately 1.5 seconds.  However, if I attempt to
> just code it in Mathematica using arrays, it takes much too long to
> execute.
> Can someone help me decide if the only reasonable option is to use
> MathLink or can I even use MathLink in a Manipulate?
> Thanks Guys.  Here's the C++ code.  The variables u, v, and lap
> are all 100x100 arrays.

I think you have several options:

1) Consider using NDSolve for this. This has several advantages. Better 
control of the time step size - dt = fixNum is somewhat crude. Also, 
NDSolve can terminated once convergence has been reached, you can control 

2) Seen that you have a C++ code you could use link technology to just 
link that code into M-. My guess is that this is quite efficient.

3) You can code this in Mathematica. You could translate the for loops in, 
say, Do[] loops and put that into the compiler.

Let me show you another approach.


n = 5;
data = Array[m, {n, n}];


{{m[1, 1], m[1, 2], m[1, 3], m[1, 4], m[1, 5]}, {m[2, 1], m[2, 2],
   m[2, 3], m[2, 4], m[2, 5]}, {m[3, 1], m[3, 2], m[3, 3], m[3, 4],
   m[3, 5]}, {m[4, 1], m[4, 2], m[4, 3], m[4, 4], m[4, 5]}, {m[5, 1],
   m[5, 2], m[5, 3], m[5, 4], m[5, 5]}}

commands like

RotateLeft[data, 1]

{{m[2, 1], m[2, 2], m[2, 3], m[2, 4], m[2, 5]}, {m[3, 1], m[3, 2],
   m[3, 3], m[3, 4], m[3, 5]}, {m[4, 1], m[4, 2], m[4, 3], m[4, 4],
   m[4, 5]}, {m[5, 1], m[5, 2], m[5, 3], m[5, 4], m[5, 5]}, {m[1, 1],
   m[1, 2], m[1, 3], m[1, 4], m[1, 5]}}

shit columns and rows.

Your stencil could then be

res = -4*data + RotateLeft[data, 1] + RotateRight[data, 1] +
    RotateLeft[data, {0, 1}] + RotateRight[data, {0, 1}];

Appetizer: - ListCorrelate

n = 100;
u0 = RandomReal[1, {n, n}];
v0 = RandomReal[1, {n, n}];

dt = 10^-6.;
a = 0.1; b = 0.1;
du = 1/(n - 1);
dv = 1/(n - 1);
kern = {{0, 1, 0}, {1, -4, 1}, {0, 1, 0}};
u = u0;
v = v0;
   lap = RotateLeft[ListCorrelate[kern, u, {-1, -1}], {1, 1}];
   u = u + dt*(du*lap + (a - (b + 1)*u + v*u*u));
   lap = RotateLeft[ListCorrelate[kern, v, {-1, -1}], {1, 1}];
   v = v + dt*(dv*lap + (b*u - v*u*u));
   , {10000}

Please check that this is indeed what you coded. This runs in about 30 
sec. on my laptop.

Main Course: - Compile

cf = Compile[{{uIn, _Real, 2}, {vIn, _Real, 2}},
    Block[{u = uIn, v = vIn, lap, dt = 10^-6.,
      a = 0.1, b = 0.1,
      du, dv, n,
      kern = {{0, 1, 0}, {1, -4, 1}, {0, 1, 0}}
     n = Length[uIn];
     du = 1/(n - 1);
     dv = 1/(n - 1);
      lap = RotateLeft[ListCorrelate[kern, u, {-1, -1}], {1, 1}];
      u = u + dt*(du*lap + (a - (b + 1)*u + v*u*u));
      lap = RotateLeft[ListCorrelate[kern, u, {-1, -1}], {1, 1}];
      v = v + dt*(dv*lap + (b*u - v*u*u));
      , {10000}
     ], CompilationTarget -> "C", RuntimeOptions -> "Speed"

  cf[u0, v0];

gets it down to ca. 15 secs.

Desert - Optimization




Clear[u, v]


You will find that there are two calls to main eval, coming from the call 
to ListCorrelate - Let's get rid of them.

cf2 = Compile[{{uIn, _Real, 2}, {vIn, _Real, 2}},
    Block[{u = uIn, v = vIn, lap, dt = 10^-6.,
      a = 0.1, b = 0.1,
      du, dv, n,
      kern = {{0, 1, 0}, {1, -4, 1}, {0, 1, 0}}
     n = Length[uIn];
     du = 1/(n - 1);
     dv = 1/(n - 1);
      lap = -4*u + RotateLeft[u, 1] + RotateRight[u, 1] +
        RotateLeft[u, {0, 1}] + RotateRight[u, {0, 1}];
      u = u + dt*(du*lap + (a - (b + 1)*u + v*u*u));
      lap = -4*v + RotateLeft[v, 1] + RotateRight[v, 1] +
        RotateLeft[v, {0, 1}] + RotateRight[v, {0, 1}];
      v = v + dt*(dv*lap + (b*u - v*u*u));
      , {10000}
     ], CompilationTarget -> "C", RuntimeOptions -> "Speed"


looks good.

  cf2[u0, v0];

gets it down to about 6 sec. I do not know what hardware you have so we 
can not directly compare the timings.

I hope this help,


ah, to get the result back you need to add

]; (* end Do loop *)
  {u, v}

> startt=clock();
>  for(p=1;p<=10000;p++){
>     lap[0][0]=(u[0][1]-4*u[0][0]+u[0][M-1]+u[1][0]+u[N-1][0]);
>    for(j=1;j<=M-2;j++)
>    {
>        lap[0][j]=(u[0][j+1]-4*u[0][j]+u[0][j-1]+u[1][j]+u[N-1][j]);
>    }
>    lap[0][M-1]=(u[0][0]-4*u[0][M-1]+u[0][M-2]+u[1][M-1]+u[N-1][M-1]);
>    for(i=1;i<=N-2;i++)
>    {
>        lap[i][0]=(u[i][1]-4*u[i][0]+u[i][M-1]+u[i+1][0]+u[i-1][0]);
>    }
>    for(i=1;i<=N-2;i++)
>    {
> lap[i][M-1]=(u[i][0]-4*u[i][M-1]+u[i][M-2]+u[i+1][M-1]+u[i-1][M-1]);
>    }
>    lap[N-1][0]=(u[N-1][1]-4*u[N-1][0]+u[N-1][M-1]+u[0][0]+u[N-2][0]);
> lap[N-1][M-1]=(u[N-1][0]-4*u[N-1][M-1]+u[N-1][M-2]+u[0][M-1]+u[N-2][M-1]);
>    for(j=1;j<=M-2;j++)
>    {
> lap[N-1][j]=(u[N-1][j+1]-4*u[N-1][j]+u[N-1][j-1]+u[0][j]+u[N-2][j]);
>    }
>    for(i=1;i<=N-2;i++)
>        for(j=1;j<=M-2;j++)
>    {
>        lap[i][j]=(u[i][j+1]-4*u[i][j]+u[i][j-1]+u[i+1][j]+u[i-1][j]);
>    }
>    for(i=0;i<M;i++)
>      for(j=0;j<N;j++){
>        u[i][j] =
> =u[i][j]+dt*(D_u*lap[i][j]+(a-(b+1)*u[i][j]+v[i][j]*u[i][j]*u[i][j]));
>      }
>      lap[0][0]=(v[0][1]-4*v[0][0]+v[0][M-1]+v[1][0]+v[N-1][0]);
>    for(j=1;j<=M-2;j++)
>    {
>        lap[0][j]=(v[0][j+1]-4*v[0][j]+v[0][j-1]+v[1][j]+v[N-1][j]);
>    }
>    lap[0][M-1]=(v[0][0]-4*v[0][M-1]+v[0][M-2]+v[1][M-1]+v[N-1][M-1]);
>    for(i=1;i<=N-2;i++)
>    {
>        lap[i][0]=(v[i][1]-4*v[i][0]+v[i][M-1]+v[i+1][0]+v[i-1][0]);
>    }
>    for(i=1;i<=N-2;i++)
>    {
> lap[i][M-1]=(v[i][0]-4*v[i][M-1]+v[i][M-2]+v[i+1][M-1]+v[i-1][M-1]);
>    }
>    lap[N-1][0]=(v[N-1][1]-4*v[N-1][0]+v[N-1][M-1]+v[0][0]+v[N-2][0]);
> lap[N-1][M-1]=(v[N-1][0]-4*v[N-1][M-1]+v[N-1][M-2]+v[0][M-1]+v[N-2][M-1]);
>    for(j=1;j<=M-2;j++)
>    {
> lap[N-1][j]=(v[N-1][j+1]-4*v[N-1][j]+v[N-1][j-1]+v[0][j]+v[N-2][j]);
>    }
>    for(i=2;i<=N-2;i++)
>        for(j=2;j<=M-2;j++)
>    {
>        lap[i][j]=(v[i][j+1]-4*v[i][j]+v[i][j-1]+v[i+1][j]+v[i-1][j]);
>    }
>      for(i=0;i<M;i++)
>      for(j=0;j<N;j++){
>         v[i][j] =
> =v[i][j]+dt*(D_v*lap[i][j]+(b*u[i][j]-v[i][j]*u[i][j]*u[i][j]));
>    }
>  endt=clock();
>  fprintf(stderr,"%d\n",endt-startt);

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