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Re: How can I write the input code for a comparison

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg119843] Re: How can I write the input code for a comparison
  • From: Nan <nzxos at>
  • Date: Sat, 25 Jun 2011 05:28:00 -0400 (EDT)

Sorry for the notation misusage problem in my previous post, it should be:

I need to compare M with N
M=(6+4R+B^2 R-5R^2-R^3+R^4+B(R^2+R-2))
N=(6+4r+k^2 r-5r^2-r^3+r^4+k(r^2+r-2)),
where 0 < r < R < 1, 0 < k < B < 1.

Notice that M and N have same form of functions but with different variables. Actually I need to prove that they have certain relationship, say M>N. How can I do that by Mathematica? Can I use MinValue or FindMinvalue? That is, if the minimum value of M - N >0, then M > N. How can I write the input command so that I can include the constraint? Please help! Thanks a lot!

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